Chapter 559 Fight to the Last Ditch

“Watch the Filrenian troops like a hawk. If they dare attack, we’ll strike them from the back!” Caspian issued an order to his subordinates.

“Yes, sir!” an officer replied.

“Macy!” Caspian called.

“I’m here!” Macy walked over to stand in front of Caspian.

“Take the engineers with you. You guys will be burying grenades a mile behind the troops,” Caspian said.

“Won’t this cut off our escape route from the back, though? We won’t have any way of retreating if we need to!” Macy said.

“We have no other choice at this point. We only have two routes we can take. Either we advance valiantly and kill our enemies, or we die in battle. There’s no situation in which we’ll need to retreat,” Caspian said.

“Are we going to put our all into this, Lord Caspian?” Macy asked in surprise.

“Yes! Only by cutting off our escape route will everyone charge forward boldly. This battle is one we must win. We must not lose!” Caspian said with determination.

“Got it. If we bury grenades behind the troops, the Filrenian troops will be in for some trouble when they arrive,” Macy said.

“Exactly. This is our gift for them to celebrate our first meeting,” Caspian said with a laugh.

“Caspian, I have something to ask of you.” Macy suddenly called Caspian by his name alone.

Even Caspian didn’t realize that at first.

“What is it? You can just tell me about it.” Caspian was very surprised to hear that Macy had something to ask of him.

“Caspian, come closer. I don’t want anyone else to hear me,” Macy said mysteriously.

“What are you doing? Do you not want to bury those grenades?” Caspian said exasperatedly. He still leaned closer to Macy, though.

Just as Caspian came closer, Macy suddenly kissed him on the cheek before



Macy didn’t know if she would come out of this battle dead or alive, and she didn’t want to harbor any regrets-she had wanted to do this for a long time.

always admired

and a squad of engineers buried grenades a mile

would serve as


plans for the incoming battles. He also summoned some troops from other passages-the border of

in the West Aridlands War Zone. The King would be in danger if the defense here was breached.

the soldiers stationed at West Fortress Gorge toward the West Aridlands War Zone at

West Aridlands was dire. The Filrenian reinforcements would arrive soon, which would put

They had buried over a thousand grenades in the course of

hundred grenades were buried!”

different from before she dared not look


Lord Caspian when in the army,” Caspian said while looking at

Lord Caspian.” Macy lowered her head. She had called Caspian by

talked to the King. The troops coming from West Fortress should

shouted, “Soldiers, we will launch a general offensive soon. We


battalion suddenly yelled, “The Diatoranian God of War will win every

Diatoranian God of War

Diatoranian God of War will win every war!”

loudly, giving the

Is Caspian going to launch a general offensive soon?” the

will be here in an hour. With 400 thousand soldiers in our troops, we will surely

of War, though. He’s known for not losing a single battle,” the deputy general said.

of manpower as well as terrain. We have nothing to fear. When the reinforcements are here, Caspian will surely

The deputy general nodded.

order to the troops. Make preparations to counter the

“Yes, General!”

fired up that the enemy

they pulled themselves together and prepared to

Caspian got a call from Toby, saying that he and his troops had already arrived at the

for his orders. Next, he contacted Dax. “Champion Dax, Toby’s troops have already arrived at the flank of the enemy troops. Are you ready?”

been ready. I’m awaiting

signal a cannon fire. We’re



and immediately contacted the King.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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