Chapter 573 Caspian Was Livid

“There must be a reason why the Hudson family hasn’t left Southlake City yet,” Donald said.

“What is it?” Marilyn asked.

“The Hudson family must be thinking of joining Vadesia,” Donald said.

Everyone was shocked to hear this.

“Why would they even think of joining the enemy? What if the enemy’s army kills them?” Marilyn asked angrily.

“Let’s not bother about that. Henry and Alicia have been captured. They may be in danger. What should we do now?” Melinda asked anxiously.

“With Southlake City surrounded by the enemy and Henry and Alicia held captive, there must be Filrenian soldiers standing guard by Robert’s side. Is there any way we can rescue them?” Marilyn was at a loss as to what they could do.

“Yeah, Diatoran could not even defend itself against Vadesia’s attack. We are unarmed. How are we going to rescue them?” Kate asked.

“Henry and Alicia are in danger now at the Hudson residence. Why didn’t the Hudson family protect them?” Donald asked.

“It’s too late to say anything now. Henry has already said that only Caspian can save him now. We might as well hurry and find Caspian. Otherwise, both of them will be beaten to death,” Melinda said.

“Alicia and Henry have always been on bad terms with Caspian, so why would he even help them?” Donald asked.

“That’s true. Caspian and Willow are no longer a part of our family. They must want to see us suffer now,” Kate said.

“Caspian is the warrior of Diatoran. Why would he be petty over these things? He’ll surely come to their rescue,” Carl said.

“Isn’t Caspian still at West Aridlands? We can’t reach him either!” Marilyn said anxiously.

“Yeah, Caspian’s a five-star general. We wouldn’t be able to find him even if he returned to Southlake City!” Kate said.

“What choice do we have? Henry and Alicia will die if we drag this out!” Melinda was worried sick.



All of the Stewart family members looked at each other. They didn’t know what they could do and were all distraught.

Hudson residence, Alicia and Henry had been beaten up so badly

stopped the soldiers when he saw

Vadesian soldiers

the video camera and said, “Caspian, do you see this? Alicia and Henry are dying. If you’re a man, you’d better come and save

moaning under my.crotch sooner or later!”

recording and did a simple processing of the

have the footage of me holding Alicia and the one where the two are getting beaten up sent out!” Robert ordered.

“Yes, sir!”

as the others, had just

officer rushed in, “I have something

it?” Capsian

the Champion of Vadesia, has posted a video that seems to be intended for you!” the

the video about?” Caspian asked.

been beaten up badly. Robert has also made bold

video? Let me see it,” Caspian said calmly.

officer took a tablet out and played the


footage of Robert holding Alicia

a few days, I’ll have your wife captured as well. I’ll

me!” Alicia’s pleadings could also be heard coming

furious when he finished

had crossed the line by committing such vile

wanted to harm Willow. There was

with the Stewart family, it was a different story for the outsiders. They would definitely think that the cousin of Lord

spread, everybody would definitely be

Caspian looked dispirited.

went down. It was useless even

stood there and watched without

was obvious that the Hudson

would Robert coincidentally show up at the

Robert. They acted indifferent even when

Caspian didn’t have a good impression of the Stewart family, but it was rare to see Alicia

relationship between them, Alicia could still be regarded as a

was another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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