Chapter 575 Saving the Hospital

“The enemy suddenly attacked Southlake City Hospital. Go to the hospital immediately to provide reinforcement. The hospital must be protected,” Caspian ordered.

“Yes, Caspian! I’ll head over immediately!” Sylvia replied.

After Sylvia hung up the phone, she rushed to the hospital with her subordinates.

Near the hospital, troops from both sides started a fierce battle.

The garrison at the hospital could no longer resist.

“We’d better leave quickly!” a doctor said anxiously.

“We can’t! There are a lot of injured soldiers. They’ll die if we leave!” Abel said.

“We won’t be able to escape when the enemy breaks past the defense! Are you saying we should sit and wait for death?” the doctor said.

“We’re surrounded by the enemy. Where can we go even if we were to leave the hospital? We might as well treat the wounded patients here,” Abel said.

“We’re only human. Sure, we can treat illnesses and save people, but we’d only die if we were to stay!” the doctor said.

He no longer had the will to continue treating the wounded patients.

“Our duty as doctors is to treat illnesses and save people. The soldiers fought bloody battles to protect their families and the country. How can we give up on them?” Abel said with conviction.

The doctor felt a little ashamed. Abel was right.

“Dr. Hardison, the enemy troops are inhumane. It’s better to let the women leave. Otherwise, they will be in grave danger when they take over the hospital,” a male doctor said.

“Okay! Have all the women in the hospital leave this place! The others must stay and continue saving people,” Abel said after giving it some thought.

Carmen, an intern at the hospital, was also treating the wounded patients.

During this time, the gunshots outside were getting louder and louder.

“The enemy troops are getting closer. All the nurses and female doctors, hurry



“Dr. Hardison, why are you asking us to leave the hospital?” Carmen asked, puzzled.

“The enemy troops are cruel. Once they break into the hospital, you and the other women would definitely be taken advantage of. So I need all of you to leave the hospital as soon as possible,” Abel said anxiously.

There was not much time left. The timeframe for them to escape was getting shorter. There was not much time left for them.

leave. A lot of the wounded patients will die if we were


die than surrender.”

will not retreat

come to our rescue!”

and the other female doctors

saw this,

you can be mentally prepared!” Abel couldn’t bring himself to persuade them after seeing how determined they were.

and nurses nodded. Some of them were holding syringes, and some of them were holding scalpels.

the enemy troops, they would directly

continued to treat the

Joey had also led


united in their hatred toward the

of the inspectors wasn’t great,

evacuate now.


fight at the


what’s going on!” Joey ordered

The Inspectors rushed out, following

troops near Southlake City Hospital. Hence, they couldn’t hold on for long.

of the soldiers from the enemy troops had now

treating a wounded patient was also

female doctors were

the enemy soldiers saw the nurses and doctors in their uniforms, the depraved side in them came alive.

else!” the leader of the enemy

the enemy soldiers planned to do anything to them, they would

want to be taken advantage of as well. She picked up the gun of

could be heard coming from the outside

could be heard as

of the enemy soldiers in the hospital collapsed

nurses, who had been preparing to kill themselves, were

woman with an imposing manner rushed in with the

was Joey Sanders,

already rushed oyer with her people during

troops entering the hospital, she immediately ordered the inspectors

here?” Carmen was pleasantly

a fight starting near the



enemy troops continued entering

fend off the enemy first!” Joey wasn’t in the mood for small talk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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