Chapter 709 Siege by a Large Army

After hanging up the phone, Caspian immediately boarded a private plane to Dhord City.

Macy had gone through so much to complete her mission and successfully assassinated the King of Filren. But she was now arrested.

Caspian was determined to do everything he could to rescue her. He needed to discuss this matter face–to–face with Balthazar.

Upon arriving in Dhord City, Caspian immediately met Balthazar, who was already aware of Macy’s situation.

“Caspian, what brings you here in such a hurry?” Balthazar asked.

“Your Majesty, Macy has completed her mission, but she’s been captured. I’ve come to discuss with you a plan to rescue her,” Caspian said without preamble.

“Macy is a hero. Of course, I want her to return safely. But rescuing her won’t be easy,” Balthazar replied.

“I have an idea, but I’m not sure if you’ll agree to it,” Caspian said.

“Stop beating about the bush. Tell me your idea,” Balthazar urged. “Macy’s successful assassination deserves recognition. We have to do whatever it takes to rescue her.”

“We’re holding tens of thousands of people from Filren captive in West Aridlands. We can use them as leverage to exchange for Macy,” Caspian proposed.

“That’s a good plan!” Balthazar exclaimed.

“I was worried you might not agree.” Caspian was surprised by Balthazar’s swift


“This is not a difficult decision at all. Keeping those people in Diatoran is just a waste of food. It’s highly worthwhile to exchange them to get Macy back. My only concern is whether Filren will agree to exchange with us,” Balthazar said.

“Let’s contact Filren and see if they agree. If not, we’ll reassess our options.”

“Agreed, I’ll contact the new King of Filren,” Balthazar said.

Diatoran are fortunate to have a ruler like

is also thanks to your


contribution. Rescuing her is the right thing to do,” Balthazar replied. Balthazar then instructed the intelligence department to contact the new King of Filren.

Filren, they had already removed the silicone face mask Macy used for disguise. They had

Byron received Balthazar’s call, he said furiously, “Balthazar, you had people assassinate Camden! Why are you contacting

far from over. I’ll kill anyone I want. My people were able to assassinate Camren, showing

confidence was evident.

keep beating about the bush. I called to discuss something,” Balthazar

“What?” Byron asked.

people from Filren captive. Now, we’re willing to exchange these people for Macy,”

way! I must publicly execute

trade 50 thousand lives for one?” Balthazar was surprised

and I mean it. Your secret agent committed

take his place.

“Cut that nonsense

her. I’ll execute her publicly! Otherwise, I’ll be ashamed to face the people of Filren!” Byron declared.

execute Macy, I’ll personally lead an expedition against you!” Balthazar

Do you think I fear you?” Byron replied arrogantly.

Balthazar warned

from Filren?” Caspian asked.


insists on executing Macy no matter what. Caspian, do you have any


get moving now and crush Filren,” Balthazar agreed.

“Understood!” Caspian nodded.


Majesty. I’ll do everything in my power to rescue Macy,” Caspian vowed.

we act, the better. We can’t give them a chance to react,”

acknowledged before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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