Chapter 710 Lord Caspian Leading the Army

Some of the higher–ups in Filren were deeply dissatisfied with Byron. They all harbored ambitions to seize power themselves.

Byron was only a king in name. He hardly had any military power at his disposal. So, he quickly sought help from Vadesia and Astronia, hoping these two countries

uld assist him.

However, both countries wanted nothing to do with him. Given the recent assassination of the Kings in Estrya and Filren, they were now only concerned about saving their own lives. They didn’t want to get involved in anything else.

The Diatoran assassins operated stealthily, leaving no trace behind. No one knew who would be the next victim.

Thus, the Kings of Astronia and Vadesia remained holed up unwilling to show themselves.

Byron was at a loss. He had no idea what to do next.

in their residences,

At this moment, he regretted his decision to refuse Diatoran’s proposal to exchange those prisoners of war for Macy. Yet changing his mind now would only invite criticism,

Faced with a dilemma, Byron ultimately decided to proceed with Macy’s execution.

Likewise, Macy was filled with regret as she found herself a captive.

She wished she had ended her own life at the critical moment or perhaps crashed her vehicle into the enemy so that she didn’t need to become a prisoner.

She might’ve even become a hero of the people.

Now that she had been captured and needed people from Diatoran to rescue her, she felt somewhat ashamed just thinking about it.

Filren had uncovered Macy’s identity and knew she was the captain of Phoenix Vanguard.

Not only had Macy successfully eliminated Camden, but she had also inflicted heavy casualties on Filren’s forces–earning their deep–seated resentment.

They subjected Macy to severe torture, but she remained tight–lipped and didn’t reveal anything.


Filren’s most renuice Death Mountain Prison.

forests of the westernmuspartoffiren, Death Mountain Prison was heavily

incredibly isolated, but it was also highly fortified and unused some of the most dangerous criminals.

to escape. Once Mary was incarcerated here, there was no way she could

she had successfully assassinated Canitten and inflicted

was possible for Diatoran to rescue her. Anyone imprisoned here was

time to restehen. Macy also didn’t want anyone else to suffer or die because

evening, the armored battalion and Phoenix Vanguard had

had almost one million troops. Now, the number was bolstered with Caspian’s armored soldiers and Phoenix

soldiers poised, and ready in West Aridlands, all they needed!

the armored

dividing the million elite soldiers into three routes and

garnered general agreement among the assembled

troops, advancing from the front. The remaining 400 thousand troops would split into two groups, advancing from the left

and I have a specific

assigned them a task


with Phoenix Vanguard,


all your orders, Lord Caspian,” Sylvia eagerly asked.

armored battalion and Phoenix Vanguard to infiltrate the capital.

her rescue. But we don’t know Macy’s exact location. I’m afraid we won’t make it in time,”

location. We should receive information soon,” Caspian assured.

if on cue, an intelligence officer rushed in with a satellite

Caspian asked, “This is Caspian. What

I’ve located Captain Osborne,” Coco

is she being held?” Caspian

guarded. Should we proceed with the rescue mission? Please issue your orders,” Coco

rescuing Macy. All you have to do is find the internal layout of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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