Chapter 728 A Strange Command

“You know nothing!” Jerry said. “Even if Caspian succeeds in taking down Filren, we can’t govern it well, and it’ll only incite chaos in Diatoran.”

“You’re much more capable than the king, Dad. How do you know we won’t

succeed in governing Filren?” Zane asked.

“The king has managed to govern Diatoran well only because he has capable generals like Caspian working for him.

“When we oust Caspian from his position, we’ll be without a capable general like him. Besides, other countries will set their sights on Diatoran,” Jerry said.

“I get it now. With Caspian as general, we can expand our territory. If we are without him, it’s better to maintain the status quo,” Zane replied.

“You’re right. Diatoran is already one of the biggest countries on this planet. We just need to gain control over this country,” Jerry said.

“Would Tigra revolt if they knew that we gained control of the throne?” Kelvin asked worriedly.

Jerry shook his head. “It won’t cause any problems. Tigra is insignificant, and we don’t need to fear them at all. We need to think of a way to kill Caspian instead.”

Zane asked hurriedly, “If Caspian is ousted from his position, other forces will surely take action against Diatoran!”

Jerry said sternly, “There’s nothing to worry about. Diatoran is a country with plentiful talent. Besides, Caspian isn’t the only man who can command armies and fight wars.

“If we don’t kill Caspian, he’ll surely take action against our family when he notices that something is off with His Majesty. He’s not an easy opponent.”

“You’re right, Dad. Caspian is our number–one enemy. We can only relax after he’s been dealt with,” Zane said with a nod.

Cecilia had heard news about Caspian for a long time. They all knew that Caspian had saved Macy. Now, they were worried because Caspian had ventured into the central regions of Filren with his army.

Under Sylvia’s command, the armored battalion attacked the capital of Filren

from the outside. The Filrenian troops put on defense with all their might, making it difficult for the battalion to break through.

the Filrenian reinforcements, but neither party emerged as the


several dozen thousand Filrenian soldiers remained alive, and all the roads were stained red

squad, the reinforcements could only retreat immediately. They would rather retreat and defend against Caspian together with the soldiers in the capital than continue to engage in

would no longer have the opportunity to do so.

them. He knew those soldiers needed to stay. Their return to the capital

them here, even if it would cost

the same time, the million–soldier army launched a pursuit operation as

Byron had already issued an emergency command to the generals, telling them to return to the capital to put

no longer had the desire to fight in this war. When the soldiers were

jets that came from West Aridlands were also engaging in battle against the Filrenian air forces. However,

all sides, thrashing Filren so hard they were at a loss on how to retaliate against

from Dhord City rushed over to Caspian, holding the royal scepter. “Lord Caspian, His Majesty has delivered this royal scepter to you. He wants you to return

only one royal scepter in Diatoran, so this was definitely

Caspian didn’t want to retreat. He asked, annoyed,


has been winning on the battlefield. Why should we retreat now?”

guard said, “I’m only here to convey His Majesty’s order to you, Lord Caspian. Please don’t make things

someone from Skyarch Palace

words, Caspian was even more pissed. Who did this guard think he was to speak to him in such a disrespectful

my own plans.

scepter, dared not

to Dhord City with the royal

now, so why should we retreat? Won’t everyone’s efforts go to waste

you don’t order a retreat, you’ll be going against the king’s

about it. “Call the king through satellite phone immediately. I want

this seriously. She called the king’s residence

Jerry’s voice came from the other end, “I’m Jerry Andrews. Who’s this?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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