Chapter 729 Occupying the Capital

“That’s impossible! His Majesty will never change his mind just because of such an insignificant incident,” Caspian said.

Jerry gave a perfunctory reply, saying, “I really don’t know why His Majesty asked you to retreat, Lord Caspian.”

Caspian said, “Where’s Lyndon? Have him take the call.”

He already sensed that something was amiss. Even if Balthazar was asleep, it shouldn’t be Jerry who took the call in his place.

Jerry answered, “Mr. Gorp was heavily injured and is currently undergoing treatment. His Majesty ordered me to watch over the residence. That’s why I was the one who took this call.”

“I know you’ve always been at odds with me, Jerry. If I ever learn that you kept His Majesty from taking this call on purpose, I’ll ensure you get your due punishment!” Caspian said coldly.

“We’re both working for the king, Lord Caspian. Aren’t you accusing me of something I haven’t done now?

“His Majesty really didn’t get enough rest last night. That wasn’t a lie. I can’t wake him up all of a sudden, can I?”

Jerry could control Balthazar now, yet he was still wary of Caspian.

Caspian could command an army with a million soldiers. If he ended up pissing Caspian off, he would end up dead after Caspian arrived in Dhord City.

“Please tell His Majesty to call me immediately after he wakes up,” Caspian said before ending the call.

Macy asked, “Should we continue taking down the capital, Lord Caspian?”

“Of course! Take your Phoenix Vanguard with you and make it quick. We must take down the capital of Filren!”

If Balthazar himself hadn’t ordered him verbally to do so, Caspian would never


Macy nodded. “Yes, Lord Caspian!”

She was Caspian’s‘ subordinate, so naturally, she would obey Caspian’s orders. Then, she and Phoenix Vanguard entered the fray.


at this moment. The reinforcements hadn’t returned yet, and he felt like the capital would be invaded at

the end?” asked the guard who was holding the royal

Caspian said coldly. It was now a key moment during the battle, and he refused to retreat. He would return to Dhord City and repent in front of Balthazar himself after taking down

had also heard word that Balthazar had summoned Caspian with

and the capital was about to be besieged. Why would the King of

mind because of that as well. Caspian couldn’t go

the Filrenian troops. held on for

disobey him again? You should know the consequences of going against the king’s orders, shouldn’t you?” the guard

me. Do you really think

Caspian roared.

He could only order his subordinates to besiege the capital of Filren

and Sylvia’s leaderships. Seeing that the gates were broken

and Phoenix Vanguard charged into the capital

soldiers to guard the capital, but now, he could no longer

straight into Byron’s residence, about to seize him. Some Filrenian soldiers attempted


efforts were futile

had fallen, he was so shocked. He quickly took a helicopter from his residence together

without its backbone. Many Filrenian residents fled from the

occupied the capital immediately. They had not managed to seize Byron but still

to guard the capital

to return, but Ylra chased after them and kept on attacking them. When the Filrenian army arrived outside

them were left.

point in the city. Ylra’s troops

fought against the Diatoranian army, were now fleeing toward the capital since their generals had also heard


thousand soldiers,

the capital back. Now that Byron had fled, the

onto this city. Without defensive structures, those soldiers would not even have a place to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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