After spending a good few hours in the mall we had decided to head home. It was almost 5pm and they headed to the beach at 7. "I'll see you guys soon". As I entered the house my mouth watered at the smell of steak.

In the kitchen my gran was stood at the stove a glass of wine in her hand. The kitchen was spotless and a new cooker had been fitted.

"Something smells great".

"I'll fix you a plate. Go get cleaned up".

"Do you mind if I go out for a little while tonight?". My gran had never stopped me from doing anything but I always did ask for her permission. I wanted to go to the beach but I wasn't big on the idea of leaving my gran on her own in a new place. "As long as you're in by 2 and you're not drinking then by all means go have some fun".

I wasn't legally old enough to drink yet but that didn't stop me from having a few. I've never got to the point where I've been wasted. I've always been careful when it came to that. I knew she knew that I drank sometimes but it was never something we discussed. "I won't be late. Did you get everything you needed today?". Watching as she plated my steak I couldn't wait to dig in. I was a girl that liked to eat. I loved and breathed food.

"Bed isn't coming until tomorrow I'm sorry Leah it was the quickest they could deliver. Now sit and eat".

I could survive one more night on the couch.

"Contractors what about them?". I wanted to know so I could be out of the house when they were here. I didn't want to be in the way when people were trying to do their work.

"Day after tomorrow".

Cutting into my steak it melted in my mouth as soon as it touched my tongue. My gran was one hell of a cook. "Everything is going as planned then. Hopefully shouldn't be long until we can call this house our home".

"Hopefully not honey. I'm going to take this wine and a book to the front porch. I'll see you before you go".

After freshening up I was stood in my room in a towel staring at my suitcase. I didn't have a clue on what to wear. What did you wear to a beach at night? Grabbing my phone I texted Alanna for some advice.

'What do you wear to a beach at night? x'

Do I wear my bikini underneath? hopefully not in that weather. But I didn't want to be the only girl there not wearing one. I was after all trying to fit in.

'Anything you want but wear a bikini underneath. It can get wild sometimes lol but don't worry we'll look after you ;) come over as soon as you're ready' A x.

Jeans were my life saver and basically the only thing I owned. I had decided on a leopard print bikini but wasn't planning on letting anyone see it. Pulling my hair into a high pony tail I wrapped my scarf around my neck and pulled my jacket on. Now it was sneakers or boots?

Staring at my white Nikes I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. If I wear them they aren't coming home white. Glancing at my black ones I shrugged. They'll do.

but that didn't mean I was good at it. Bringing my hand up I was about

Alanna taking his place. "You look good girl.

plan and full length windows at the back. You could see the

my body and suddenly I was starting to miss my coat. I had

smoking. I like that this is lace, gives them a little sneak peek of your bikini underneath". Winking at me she went to get me a drink. It felt like the whole room was now

Then I heard it.

or what sounded like a growl tore

no one was staring at me anymore. Everyone went back to minding their own business. I don't know what it was but I

hint of lime" She grinned as I took it from her. "Everything

or I'm losing my mind". Taking a drink I walked closer

it along

If this was my house

worked hard at it. We're having a dinner tomorrow night


come. I'll be back in

beach was such a good idea. I think I was definitely coming down with the flu. Rubbing at my arms it was then I noticed his reflection. He was staring again, stood in the corner with a glass of brown liquor. It took everything I had not to turn around. The pull was starting to become unbearable and I had no idea what was

I slipped it

you okay?" Lacey placed her hand against my forehead. "You feel hot like you're burning up. Come and sit down". Taking my hand she sat

And then she froze.

way" She smirked.

"What, what is it?".

Leah stay there I'll get you some water. You'll

slightly better but I still felt a little hot. Walking into the kitchen I heard hushed voices. I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't

rude to listen to

meeting his. "It's also rude to stare but

one". As he took a step forward I took one back. I still wasn't sure about him. I wanted to be near him but at the same time

said at the same time he

Lacey smirked. I glared.

it wasn't appreciated by Jake. If looks

so confused right now. These people were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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