Getting out of the car I made sure I had my phone and keys. Shutting the door behind me I glanced up at the house. What ever shit happened in there was none of my business. As I got to my front door I turned around for the last time tonight and stared at the house. It was still early and even though I wasn't feeling that great I was a little bummed about not going to the beach. Maybe I could find it tomorrow and go in day light. Taking off my shoes I slipped off my jacket and placed it over the sofa. My gran was sat at the island in the kitchen with her book. Music was playing softly in the background. "I thought you were off out for the evening?" She questioned as she placed her book down.

"So did I". I shrugged. Opening up the fridge my eyes landed on the strawberries. Taking them out I took the seat opposite her. "I feel weird". I couldn't explain it. Maybe I was homesick? "Do you feel weird?". Maybe it was being in a different town. "You feeling a little homesick?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I'm coming down with something". Taking a few strawberries I put the tub back in the fridge. Today had been overwhelming. Don't get me wrong the people I met were friendly enough but I still had a feeling something was off. "You'll feel better once you're settled in. New bed tomorrow, contractors the day after and then your first day of school on Monday. Once you get into a routine everything else will fall into place".

I wasn't looking forward to school but I did have Alanna so that was a bonus.

Lifting my phone I noticed I had a new message.

'Where did you go? Come back over. We're out the back, fire is lit lol it's not the beach but at least there's a toilet. Please come Ax'

Staring down at the message I frowned.

"What you frowning at?" My gran asked looking over my shoulder. "You should go it's still early and it's only down the street".

"I don't know".

"Leah this is your time to make more friends. Get your jacket back on and get over there. You shouldn't be sat in here with me. I'll be having an early night anyway so please go". She wasn't giving me much room to argue.

her cheek goodnight I grabbed my jacket and my keys and headed down the street. These houses

further my eyes landed on Jake. He was sat around with a group of people, everyone was hanging off every word he spoke. Not to

I was pulled into a hug. "You're so beautiful Leah". Okay I think she'd had a little bit more drink than she could handle. "Seriously you're hot. Oh god look at her hanging all over my brother. You'd think she'd take the hint". Grabbing my hand she pulled me inside. "Help yourself to anything. I need

my jacket I groaned when I realised I had

sight for

"Excuse me?".

help but laugh. Did he think that was actually going to

lame wasn't it?" He grinned.

always speak to girls like that? and does

smirked. "Didn't do anything for you

not". I shrugged making my

He followed.

I noticed we were suddenly getting a lot of attention. Everyone seemed to be interested in what we were doing. Ignoring it I took another drink of my beer. "This

invited to one of Jake Taylors parties". Whistling lowly I frowned. What was that suppose to mean? "He's a big deal in this

grinned causing

Leah" Hitting his bottle off mine we fell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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