"Leah?". Turning around I sighed with relief when I saw Lacey. "You needing a lift?". She asked.

"Is that okay?". I hated having to rely on everyone else for lifts. It wouldn't be for much longer. Once I started working at the gas station I could start to save again.

"Of course it is come on". Reaching her car I jumped in just glad to be out of the cold and rain. I couldn't imagine having to walk home in that. "The dark nights are coming in Leah. You shouldn't walk home when it's like this". Starting her car she pulled out of the parking lot. "It's not safe". "I know but sometimes I don't have a choice". I wasn't even sure if I knew how to get home by walking.

"How's the job search going, any luck?". She asked.

"Yes actually". I smiled. "Jake offered me a job at the gas station". I wasn't sure if that was a done deal right enough. "Well if his parents agree to it".

"Yeah?". She grinned. "That's great Leah and I wouldn't worry about Jakes parents saying no. Charlotte loves you".

"I'm just glad I can finally start to save some money again and put it towards a car. I'm not big on always having to rely on other people. I hate it".

"I get that". She said as she pulled into my street. "But I'll always help out and I'm sure Alanna will as well". Speaking of Alanna where was she? She looked panicked at lunch and I hadn't seen her since.

"Is Alanna okay?". I asked as the car came to a stop.

family have a lot going on just now. Wasn't Ryan suppose to be tutoring

cancel due to football". I shrugged feeling

well I'll see

and thanks again". Unclipping my belt I got out.

I kicked my shoes off and hung my jacket up. I could hear laughter and chatter coming from the kitchen. I wasn't nervous about meeting George. He made my gran happy so I was

as my gran maybe a little older.

I couldn't say the same. Slipping my hand in his I smiled at him. "It's nice to meet you too". "Dinner won't be long so go get cleaned up I'll give you a shout when

moved the roses too. After showering and slipping into some fresh pjs I set up my laptop hoping to finish my English work. Today had been a weird day. I still had

I forgot that I had receive a message when

to go for a milkshake tonight?

family business to deal with. I could always go out after dinner for a little while. Besides I needed to find out if I had a job or not. Jake hadn't mentioned

I started to get ready. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt I shoved my feet into my UGG boots.

just get food when

was getting out of this dinner. Not when she had waited so long to introduce me to George. I

if she'll let me skip

never been one for contacts because I didn't need to wear them all the time but recently my eyes had been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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