"You lost pup?".

Making a face I rolled my eyes.


"Pete's just kidding Leah. You waiting on Alanna?". Jack asked.

"Yeah". I felt uncomfortable at the way they were staring at me.

"We don't bite sweetheart". Pete smirked.

"Speak for yourself". Another one piped up.

"Pete, Ricky get inside". Jack hissed.

"Because that wasn't awkward". I sighed taking out my phone.

"They're just messing around. Don't take it personal". Jack grinned. "I'll send Alanna out unless you want to come in?".

Absolutely not.

here". If she took any longer I'd end up catching a cold. I did wonder where Jake was though I hadn't heard from him all day. Not that I needed to hear from him right enough. "Sorry Leah I got

"Yes I'm freezing".

was school, did I miss much?". She asked as she pulled out

with you?". I wanted to ask her about Jake but at the same time I didn't. She would just

on you?". As she pulled up to the

to practice but I think he's coming over tomorrow how come?". I didn't see how Ryan and I hanging

turning the engine off. "I'm starving". As we entered the diner I breathed a sigh of relief when

a booth at the back I opened the menu to see what I could eat.

fries, a spicy chicken burger and a chocolate milkshake.

jalapeño poppers, a cheeseburger with loads of pickle and a strawberry milkshake". Closing the menu I slipped it back into the holder. "No wonder he likes you". She smirked. "I'll

about Jake? How did I slip him into the

wait to long". Hopefully

beach tomorrow?". She asked just as our milkshakes arrived. The older lady that served them

beautiful little thing". She smiled. "Alanna tell that boy he better come by and see

that?". I asked as she walked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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