"You always overthinking what you're wearing. You look great, he won't be able to keep his hands off you". She smirked.

I had been stood staring at myself in the mirror for the last 20 minutes. "Shut up I don't care what he thinks". Soothing my hands down my jeans I grabbed my leather jacket. "Seriously Leah can we go". She groaned.

"Yes". She never was the patient one. Grabbing my bag I slung it over my shoulder. "Now remember be nice". I warned. Lana had a big mouth. She calls it like she sees it. If you're being a bitch she'll let you know.

"I'll be as good as gold". She winked. "Now come on I want to see some hotties".

"By the way".

"What?". I asked locking my front door.

"Please tell me that's your car in the drive".

"It is".

"Sweet can I drive it?".

"No now come on". Nobody was driving my car before me. As we crossed the street I could already hear the loudness of the music.

"I can't wait to get my drink and my boy on". She laughed. Walking up his drive the butterflies started in the pit of my stomach. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I couldn't wait to see him. With my hand on the handle I opened the door pushing it wide.

He was throwing a party alright. There were people everywhere. People from his pack, people from school.

"Hey girl". Alanna grinned.

"The word really got out about the party didn't it".

when Jakes throwing one. Come get a drink". Leading us towards the

Wow that was

at the same time before bursting out

before?". Lana smirked.

glanced at me as I rolled my eyes. I did say she had a mouth on

going for a look around". She

complete opposites". Alanna

beer bottle to my lips and taking a

if she'll find what she's looking

me she always does. Oh hey Lace". I smiled

"Hi". She sighed.

this time?". Alanna

about it". Going to the fridge she grabbed herself a beer. "Why do guys have to be dicks I mean why does he think he can tell

I thought she didn't want to

15. You'd think


and then everything else comes up. I

didn't want to I just didn't know what they

with his tail between his legs. Let him calm

not to cry. "This is bigger Alanna and it's not just going to fix after he

say to him?". She

him that I wished

She sighed. "How did it come down to

skirt. A nice new skirt and he blew up over it and then it just went from there. I've never seen him that angry". She couldn't hold it in anymore. A lone tear slid down her cheek. "Crazy right". She laughed. "We fought over a skirt". "It's not crazy". I said giving her a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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