"I'm leaving her to it". I said holding up my hands. I wasn't getting in the middle of that. She was having fun, who was I to stop her. "You're right". She laughed.

"I'm just going to get a little air". We had been here for almost an hour and he wasn't back yet. How much time did Jack need to calm down? Shaking my head I pulled open the patio door and went outside. I shouldn't have thought that it wasn't nice. Jack was his best friend and he obviously needed him.

Taking a seat on one of the wicker chairs I looked out in the forest. The moon was shining, the sky dark, the storm calmed. The night air was cool, the breeze chilling my face. It was nice out here. I liked the quiet, the peacefulness. His back garden always amazed me. The open space, the open forest. It all made sense now.

"Shouldn't you be enjoy the party?". Snapping my head up I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.


And Jack was stark naked.

I didn't know where to look.

"Could you maybe pass me my clothes". He nodded towards the other chair. I hadn't noticed his clothes were there when I came out.

"I'll just go back inside. Sorry". I couldn't look at him. I knew my face was beetroot red, I could feel how hot it was becoming. Not giving him the chance to reply I wandered back inside.

I needed a cold drink of some sort.

Heading through the open space I grabbed the bottle of shots from the counter. I couldn't believe he was naked and I saw him naked. I knew Jake wouldn't like that.

Why was he naked?

And where was Jake?

Finding a glass I poured myself some of the red liquid. Bringing it to my nose I inhaled the cherry essence before downing it in one. Just as I was about to pour another one the hairs on the back of my neck stood, I could feel the goosebumps appearing on my arms. He was here.

glass I through it back my eyes closing on there own. Do I tell him I saw Jack naked. Surely it wasn't normal to be running around naked at night. Especially

tracing every part of his body. Finally landing on his eyes I didn't miss the smirk he

at him

few times before I grinned. I didn't care that he caught me looking. He was beautiful not just sexy or hot he was breathtakingly a beautiful man.

are you drunk?". As he made his way towards me my breathing quickened. Grabbing the bottle of shots he screwed the lid back on and placed it

time you were drunk I ended

I ended up with a broken hand". I shrugged.

Opening the fridge he grabbed two

him I dropped my gaze to

too drunk babe. Don't want a repeat of last time". He grinned taking a sip of

it". Drinking the

"But that won't happen



"Yes okay". I smiled.

get out

fell from my lips as he

his breath fanning across my face. I couldn't hide my smile. The more

resting my hands on the lower

her. She'll be fine Alanna's

came here with her I can't just leave. I actually came over here to hang with Alanna not

smirked his grip tightening. "Pretty

from. No matter where

away. I still couldn't describe how he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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