I wasn't going into this blind. I jumped in with two feet and it was a mistake. The more time we spent together the more nothing else mattered.

I knew deep down he was going to be in my life whether I wanted him to be or not.

"You coming?". He asked knocking me out of my thoughts. Smiling I walked the short distance to his front door. "You want anything?". Walking behind him into his living room I couldn't help but stare in awe. His home was beautiful.

"No I'm good". My stomach rumbled, I was starting to feel a little sick.

"Grilled cheese okay?". As this point I would eat anything.

"I'm starving". I groaned. "Do you have any Cheetos?".

"That's my girl". He winked. "Snacks are in the far right cupboard. I'm going to change I'll be back in a minute".

I was already walking to the kitchen before he could finish his sentence. Reaching up and into the cupboard I pulled the family sized bag out and ripped them open. I loved that his house was open plan. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. The row of full sized windows looking out into his backyard. The scenery that you could see for miles, it was a beautiful sight and I would never get tired of looking. "Beautiful isn't it?"...

"Yeah". Making my way towards one of the corner couches I sat down tucking my feet under my bum. "I bet it looks amazing in winter". Shoving a few Cheetos in my mouth I could see him smile.

"You'll find out soon enough. This will be your home one day to". His voice lowered as he took a few steps towards me. "Baby I'm sorry". The sigh left his mouth as he bent down in front of me. Our eyes now level. "I'm sorry too". I whispered.

"You've nothing to be sorry for. I should have just told you the truth but instead I caused an argument that didn't need to happen. Sarah and I messed around a lot but please know I haven't been with anyone since you got here. Those girls are trying their hardest to get under your skin but trust me Leah I don't want anyone but you".

him but I still wasn't sure I

hard tonight was for

he had on me. These

that dress". He groaned. "Please tell me you're wearing panties". I couldn't hold back

like this". I

arm around my shoulder. "I can't do this Leah. Not speaking to you or

night. Every guy in

They did?

his lips his body tensing beside me. "I

"Jealous?". I asked.

jealous. You're mine princess. I can't do this

want to jump right back in there as if nothing happened. I asked you a simple question and you didn't give me an answer. What did you think was going to happen?". "What do I need to do to get you to trust me?".

to show his dominance over

"I don't know"....

then how am I suppose to fix

town we wouldn't be having this conversation". I had no idea where

off the couch he walked into the kitchen pouring himself a drink. "That was

Those girls don't respect me and they never will. How am I suppose to help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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