He had been away for 3 days.



No texts.

Saturday was the last time I spoke with him.

I missed him more than I thought I would. He had literally flipped my world upside down, become such a big part of my life within such a short time.

"He'll be home soon". Alanna slipped her arm through mine as we walked into the coffee shop.

"I know". I didn't think I would feel this way. It was hard to explain the ache in my chest or the nerves in my stomach, it was constant. He was giving me the space I thought I wanted but turns out it wasn't space I needed. I needed him.

I wanted him here with me.

"You want a cappuccino?". She asked.

"Yeah". I found myself checking my phone more often. Scrolling through my social media just to see if he had posted anything.

I going to feel if I wanted to go to university. I couldn't take being this far away from him. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the next few days or when he

we aren't exactly on speaking terms. First argument I've ever had with her". I could already see our relationship changing without the argument happening. She was distant, always out spending time with George. "I'm sure it'll be fine.

Lana had been staying with Pete the last few days. You could cut the tension in

that we argued but I couldn't sit and say nothing when

that bad?". She asked as the door to

Just what

as Sarah and her friends took the booth in the corner. She was right in my line of sight. "She's bloody everywhere". She sighed. "Right

Heat of the moment. You know


Taking a sip of my coffee I glanced at my phone

"Jake?". She smirked.

I frowned opening

we need to



I kicked off my shoes and hung up my jacket. Dropping my bag on the bottom of

her shoulder. Something didn't feel right and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what she was

disrespecting me like you did. I didn't raise you like that". Her tone was sharp, edgy. "Understood". If I said what I wanted to say it wasn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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