I must have dozed off because when I woke I was in Jake's car with a blanket wrapped around me. Sitting up I turned my head looking out the window. He was just about to pull into his drive.

"Hey baby". Placing his hand on my thigh he squeezed gently.

"Hi". I yawned.

"You okay?". He asked as the car came to a stop.

Was I okay?

"Not really". I whispered.

"Come on let's get you to bed"..

As I unclipped my seatbelt he was already out the car and opening the passenger side door for me. "Did you lift my bag?". I asked taking his hand as I got out.

"Shit". He cursed. "I'll go-.....

Squeezing his hand I shook my head. "I'll get it tomorrow". Feeling the shiver run through my body my teeth started to chitter. The temperature had dropped, the late night air cool.

of my T-shirt's if you want. I'm going to check a few things before I come up". Kissing

back babe. You need me I'm there and that goes for anything. Go get sorted, I won't

on the edge of his bed. I was ready to start something with

I would always have him. He was mine and this time I wasn't

nose around. It was simple, neutral

"You okay?".

the butterflies rise in my stomach. I had made the

you want to talk about?". He

shaking my head. That was a conversation for tomorrow.

"You sure?".

off my shoes. "I'm sure, can you get me a T-shirt?". I was already pulling his hoodie over my head. Unhooking my bra from under my T-shirt I pulled it down my arms and out of my sleeve. All the while he stood staring. "Jake?". "Second drawer princess". Clearing his throat

inhaled deeply. Nothing felt better right now and I knew I was exactly where I was suppose to be. Rolling onto my side I slid my hand under the pillow and closed my


I was overheating...

that wasn't what woke me. I could hear the raised

Pushing the covers off I got out of bed switching the light on. Checking my phone I groaned at the time. It was almost 3am.

it". I

"Watch your mouth"....

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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