

He seen anyone as a threat. Including his own father.

This wasn't going to work. I had a life, I had school, I had friends. Not being able to leave my house without a chaperone was ridiculous.

"I need to keep you safe". He whispered.

I didn't think I wasn't safe until now but I wasn't going to argue about it. I didn't want to be chaperoned everywhere but if it kept him calm I was willing to try anything.

"I think you should move in here until I know more about what's going on". His grip tightened on my waist. "It might be nothing and they may just be passing through but I can't chance it until I know for sure". How could I say no to that. It's not as if my gran wanted me there anyway.

"Will you keep me in the loop with what's going on?". I asked.

"Will you stay here and let me keep you safe?". I hated when he answered a question with a question.

"Until you know what's going on yes".

"Go back to bed I won't be long down here".

bent to kiss my forehead my eyes closed. I wasn't going to be difficult about this. I wasn't going to put myself

"Goodnight Leah"....

"Night Jacob"....

the pillow. I didn't hear him come to bed, didn't feel him pull me



side of the bed cold. Opening my

warning me I better be at school. I had slept a good few hours and yet it felt like I hadn't slept at all. My eyes still

a yawn escaped my mouth. I didn't want to get up. I could have

we weren't alone. After visiting the bathroom and washing my face I raked his drawers for a pair of sweats. Bunching them up at the waist I tied his T-shirt into a knot at the back. His clothes were too

left at his parents. Already I couldn't see this day far

me a mug of

where she got

a little out of place. Pack members were everywhere, a few I still hadn't been introduced to. Not to mention I was stood dressed in Jake's

An older lady approached me. I didn't miss

have an issue

dear but the question is, are you good enough for

here we go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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