At least he took me for coffee. This morning I added a double shot to my cappuccino. I had a feeling I "You drink way to much coffee Leah". As he pulled up outside the school I didn't acknowledge his com "What time are you leaving?". I asked unclipping my seatbelt.

"Around 10. I'll phone you every night and check in". Taking my hand in his he squeezed gently. I didn' "Okay". I whispered not knowing what else to say. "I have to go". The first bell signalled and I had Mr G "That's it?". He asked letting go of my hand. "All you have to say is okay?".

Was he seriously getting angry over this?

"Stay safe". I didn't want him to go but obviously what I wanted didn't matter. Was I being selfish? He "Babe I-.....

“Let me finish". I said. "I already don't like the feeling I have in my gut but I know you have to do this. "I promise". For some reason I didn't fully believe he would. As the second bell signalled I sighed. I co "I have to go"....

"Be good". Leaning over he placed a soft kiss against my lips. "And remember you are mine". He always had to get that in.

"Bye". Getting my bag I got out and made my way up the entrance. He didn't leave until I was inside. T Coffee in hand I strolled my way to English. Mr Gallagher was on to form today. I could hear him befor "Miss Wilson how nice of you to join us"....

Taking my seat I knew he was making his way over to my desk. "Have you picked your book?". He aske Truth was I had forgot all about it. I knew regardless of what book I chose I would ace it. "Not yet sir, I "Hm I see. Remember this is a big part of your final grade Miss Wilson".

my attention to my notes. I was stuck between pride and

to need

no matter the time of

I had inside. It felt like I

first period. If I was late

of everyone including me. Sighing I placed my hand on his arm.

go through this alone. I

after school. Ryan was coming to

get to class. I was already late so there was no point in

work from

a few". He knew how good

Wuthering heights.

next week. I know you're good Leah but don't be cocky about it". As he walked away I made a face. I wasn't

he was just a dick.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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