"Ladies enough of the chatter". He yelled. "Get on with your assignments or it'll be a detention".

"We we're talking about our assignment". I said.

One thing I had learned about Mr Gallagher, he didn't like back chat. He's had a problem with me since I got here. Constantly on my back about something and always trying to catch me out. "Detention after school for you Miss Wilson".

"For what?". I asked. "I didn't do anything".

"Anymore back chat and it'll be 2 days detention"..

By this point I knew I was glaring. He needed to pull the stick out of his a*s and lighten up. "Whatever

"See me after class". He snapped.

He was definitely singling me out. Other people were talking amongst themselves before he called me and Abby out. It just so happens I wasn't one for keeping my mouth shut.

"How come you didn't call out they two?". I asked nodding towards the front of the class. His little grade A students were allowed to talk.

"Leah don't". Abby whispered.

You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet.

"Excuse me?". He glared pushing himself up from his chair.

"What didn't you hear me?". I asked already putting my books away. This was only going to go one way

of my

my shoulder.

guardian will be


Now leave

You can't do

against the desk I

my gran yet and I was in

been expelled from school before. I had also never spoke to a teacher like that but something was weird about him. He had never liked me and I had no


Did I wake her?



"You okay?". I asked.

you tell

I wanted to but it wasn't my place.

having dinner with Petes


with Jake going

much I can do about

always go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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