"We need to go Leah now".

"It's doesn't mean he's here to cause trouble". I said as we rushed out of the diner. If he wanted to hurt me he would have done it already. I was alone with him yesterday. "Put your seatbelt on". She ordered.

Bringing the car to life she sped out of the car park her tires screeching against the road. "Alanna slow down". Clutching my seat I felt my heart racing.

"How did we not see this coming, how did we not know. We have to go to my moms. I need to make sure she's safe".

There wasn't much I could say right now. I couldn't tell he was a wolf but I also didn't think he was a threat. It wasn't long before we reached her parents house.

"Jake and my dad need to come home". She was out the car before I could answer. I could tell she was freaking out. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. "I also need to call Jack and tell him to get over here. He is a threat Leah, no one is safe until we know why he is here".

"Do you think you could leave out the part of me knowing him and that he isn't here alone?".

"What?". She yelled. "Are you stupid? I don't have time to listen to this". She ran up her drive way leaving me in the cold feeling shit about myself.

How was I to know Rocco was a werewolf?

Walking slowly up the drive I entered the house. I could hear Alanna on the phone, as I walked into the kitchen Charlotte was preparing some tea. "You want some honey?".

"No, sorry I have to go home". Alanna really got to me with what she said. She made me feel like this was my fault.

"It's probably best you stay here Leah".

"No I'll be fine honestly". I was already out the front door before she could stop me. Rushing across the street I didn't stop until I was behind my front door. My house was in darkness so I knew my gran and George were already in bed.

Kicking off my shoes I walked up the stairs making sure not to make a sound. Climbing into bed I turned on my tv and continued watching the vampire diaries.

Alanna should never have spoken to me the way she did. I get

This wasn't my fault.

to vibrate. Of course he was calling me and probably to shout

"Hello". I whispered.

back over to my moms. I'll be home by

"I'm in bed Jake".

"I'm not asking princess".

under my pillow. I had just about enough


seem to settle. I was afraid to turn on my phone because I knew there would

safe and George was here. Groaning I balled my hand into a fist before thumping it into my

My tv was still on, I thought the background noise would help but obviously not. Slipping my feet into my slippers I went downstairs. Maybe a hot drink would help. Looking through the cupboard I sighed when I noticed we had nothing but coffee.

He wasn't going to be happy with me, I

scare me, I believe I had a good gut feeling and with him I

maybe that was part of his plan. Be nice to me, befriend me and then hurt me.

wouldn't gain anything from hurting me. Of course if he hurt me it would hurt Jake but surely he


was dangerous, he was powerful. It would take a lot to take him down. His pack were his army. Rocco was here with his sister but

the knock at my back door. It was after 2 in the morning. Surely he wasn't home already? Slipping off the chair the knock got louder. Whoever it


too loud. Jack wasn't alone. Him

in". Moving away from the door I let them both in. Alanna had yet to say anything.

is 6

guessing he was talking about the rogue werewolf's. "Found out they bought a house in

they a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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