"Why are you guys even here?".

"Jake gives us orders and we follow them". She shrugged.

"Even at this time?". I asked.

"We finally know who's been in our territory. We have to make sure our people are safe. You are our people Leah whether you like it or not". Now she was just making me feel guilty.

"I don't want to be in that big house on my own".

"You won't be on your own. The pack is settled in Jake's and I'll be there. My moms there also and she's already started cooking". She grinned.

"Fine". I sighed. There was no point in being a brat about it. I didn't need for anyone else getting in trouble because I wouldn't listen.

It wasn't until we crossed the street that I realised I still had my slippers on. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't mean it". She laced her arm through mine. "He might not be a threat but I couldn't take that chance and do nothing. I had to alert my Alpha". "It's okay". As we reached Jake's I wasn't expecting it to be so quiet. Then again it was almost 3am. "Where is every sleeping?". I asked.

"There's plenty of room for everyone. Most of the men are out patrolling just in case".

"I still don't think we have anything to worry about". I said.

"Maybe not but until Jake and my dad are home we get some rest and wait".

I sleep?". Alanna closed the door behind us as

one room that is off limits


the kitchen with Jacks mom. A few members were scattered around. "Girls come and

to head upstairs. I'll see you in the morning". I wasn't tired just yet but I could feel my

opened his door someone was inside. I didn't need to think twice about who

in his

here". I snapped

here". She

f**k out of here". Balling my hand into a fist I stared her down. I wasn't playing games with her anymore. Jake was mine, he

"Or what?".

shoes on. "Come

you shouldn't". I hissed. "Now get out before I throw you

the bed. "I don't take lightly to threats". She hissed. "Jessica". Holly

took a step towards me but I didn't move.

your problem?". I

"I don't like you"...

to become Jake's mate, I didn't choose for this to happen. You can't handle that he picked me and not you". This had gone on for long enough. If

suggest you leave before

She took another step towards me and still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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