"Prepare ourselves for what?". I asked getting to my feet. I knew what she meant but I wasn't giving up. She was strong, it wasn't her time yet.

"Oh sweetheart". She bounced up from her seat pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so so sorry". She whispered. "How are you doing?". "Is there any change?".

"No change honey but we're hopeful the antibiotics will work. They're going to start her course later this morning".

My uncle Zac was very quiet. Hadn't said two words to me, never even looked my way. It was like he didn't want to be here.

"Did George leave?". I asked.

"He's away to get some things but he'll be back soon". It didn't faze me that she already knew about George. I was the only one kept in the dark about their secrets.

I felt him behind me, again he placed his hand on the lower of my back. "Let's go get some coffee. I'm sure your aunt will come and get you if there is any change". Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I didn't argue that I wanted to stay, I let him lead me out of her room.

As we began to walk towards the canteen I slipped my hand into his. "Thank you for staying with me". We didn't talk about the pack meeting. Apparently everything was fine and I wasn't to worry.

"You don't need to thank me beautiful. I'm always going to be here". Lifting my hand to his lips he placed a kiss on my knuckles. "But promise me you'll go home and get some sleep".

"Okay". I wasn't leaving until I knew she was going to be okay. He didn't need to know that just now. I wasn't going to argue with him today.

my nose. I wasn't hungry, couldn't stomach anything. My

but I couldn't leave. Leaving her wasn't an option. I would never forgive myself if something happened and I wasn't here. "You need to eat baby". As we reached the counter I scanned the menu. Nothing seemed appealing to

He didn't say anything after that. I took a seat at one of the tables

hand over my face. I felt sick. I was worried out of my mind and there was nothing I could do but sit here

which I gladly took. "My moms going to drop

no point in her bringing me anything. I would need

The doctor should be starting her


change. They had started her on antibiotics and a new drip.

They needed to stretch their legs which meant they needed to let

My aunt Claire looked just as

babe. You need some

of them were right. I was exhausted. "You'll call me if anything changes?". I didn't want to leave but I was no good with hardly any sleep. I

goodbye I was still hesitant to leave. "Go sweetheart

didn't deserve to go just now. She wasn't

stuff here. Lana dropped it off last night". It was as if he could tell what I

at the hospital". She wasn't family by blood but she was family, our

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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