I was anxious but she was awake, that was a good thing right? I couldn't stop my leg from shaking, my nerves playing up. What if something was really wrong with her?

Life threatening even.

"Stop that please". Jake placed his hand on top of my knee. "I know you're nervous babe but she's awake that's a good sign".

"Sorry I'm just scared". I was overthinking again just like always. "She's my gran". I whispered. I didn't have anyone else. Yes I had Jake and all my friends here. Lana was here, Jake's family as well but technically the one constant was my gran. "And she's going to be fine". He took my hand in his not letting it go until we reached the hospital. Parking the car I noticed my uncle Zac standing outside, he was on the phone.

"I feel like something is going on". He had barely said two words to me since they got here and that wasn't like him. It was like his mind was elsewhere, focused on something else.

"He wants Carter to move back home".

"Why?". I frowned. He had just came back into my life. I didn't want him to leave.

"Zac is a Beta, second in command". He undid his seat belt, I followed suit waiting for him to continue. "Which means Carter is a Beta also but I already have my Beta". I still wasn't catching on to what he meant. "And he can't be that here?".

"Unfortunately not babe. It's a powerful position, Zac wants him to come home so he can take his place when he steps down, it's his birth right".

"What about Alanna, I thought he joined your pack?". I was so confused by how it all worked.

"If he decides to go home then Alanna would go with him". He shrugged. "It's a lot to give up". Placing his hand on my knee he squeezed before sighing. "What?".

"I can't see Alanna leaving here".

too?". I asked. "They're mates. I thought long distance

"It's doesn't".

why wouldn't she go with him?". Surely she wouldn't reject him? Could you even do

when it does I'm sure you'll be the first to know. Now

didn't say anything

the phone when we reached the entrance. This time he gave me

her room. Carter was stood outside his head buried in his phone. Probably texting with Alanna. "She's been asking for you". He slipped his

the doctor been round to see her?". My aunt Claire was in with her just

since this morning

As stupid as it may

and see Alanna but

As Carter left I stood in the same spot. I couldn't bring myself to go in and see

but I didn't miss the look he shared with Jake. "Can I have a word?".


coffee". He kissed the top of my head as his hand slipped from my back. I

door opened, my aunt Claire smiled at me. "Why you standing out there?". My gran asked as I entered her room. She no longer wore the oxygen mask but still had the drip in her arm. "You scared me". I whispered taking the seat beside her bed. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't doing

hand. "I didn't mean to scare you.

When can we take you home?".

days yet honey. The antibiotics are working but they want to make sure they keep working. Aunt Claire is going to go to your school on

like this if it was just your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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