"You're not wasting your time sitting with me all day. George is here, now go and get some rest. I alrea "But I-...".

"I'm fine, the antibiotics are working. Now go home". Now I know where I got my stubbornness from. "Fine but I'll be back later".


I was stood outside the hospital with my own coffee. Jake hadn't come back yet. Him and my uncle Za "How about we go get some breakfast?". My aunt Claire asked.

"I should probably wait on Jake". I didn't need for us to have another argument because I left without "Zac will be chewing his ear off". She laughed. "And I'm sure he won't mind if I take you for breakfast". "A few more weeks and my cast will be off". We started walking towards her car and that's when I noti He had left? More to the point he had left and didn't tell me.

"Can I ask what happened?".

"I punched Jake in the face". Clipping my seatbelt in she started the car. I'm surprised she didn't alrea "Okay what?".

"Let's just say we had a disagreement". I chewed my bottom lip as she pulled out of the car park. "We' "Please be careful around him Leah. An Alpha wolf and he let you punch him".

"He didn't let me. Things got heated, we said things we shouldn't have and it happened". Jake would n "Are you happy?". She asked.

w you stayed here last night".

nowhere to be seen.

mach growled. I was running on coffee alone. I guess she was right. "Come on I'll drive". She glanced at my hand. e's wasn't there.


now though".

urt me. I knew that much. "And I don't have to be careful around him. I trust him".

happy. This was beginning to feel like home. I had friends, I was dating.

up outside the coffee shop, the car coming to a stop. "To become an Alphame, a mother, a

going to happen all at once. I was in no way ready for that. We had started dating never mind becoming a mom. "I've

no that's-.. we're taking

Leah". I already knew that but it didn't mean we had to do things

actually. We haven't mated yet and it's already been

honey but the full moon is only weeks a way". 17 days

to be like everyone else. Getting married, having children. We could take this at our own

a lot that Jake didn't tell me and not

It was like she was talking to herself rather than talking to


mate there is a high chance

birth control pill. I have for the last 2 years". Walking into the coffee shop I picked a booth by the

"When you

moon goddess

moon". I made a face. "Can get me

is being made. You are giving

another thing for me

"It's magical". She smiled.

what she said. I was beginning to understand everything better but some things still blew my mind. Although I was taking the whole falling pregnant pretty

to ask me, anything you want

mate until the full moon rises because Jake is an Alpha so I'm guessing an Alpha's mate is the only one that can get pregnant

"That's right". She smiled.

don't tell me I could get pregnant

the Alpha is marking his mate, Jake is officially making you his. You won't get

needs a heir, he needs to keep the bloodline going. That's why it only applies to Alpha's doesn't it?". I couldn't believe I hadn't figured it out sooner. "To reproduce, the Alpha's first child takes the thrown. They will become Alpha when they are of age or when Jake steps down". How could I have been

waitress placed our breakfast on the table along with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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