10 days, 10 days had past and I hadn't spoke to him.

I knew he was watching, I knew he was there. I was becoming agitated, the full moon was close and that bloody moon goddess wasn't letting me forget.

I hadn't been to school this past week. I was vomiting, having dizzy spells and let's not forget the fever dreams.

My body was aching with need. My emotions on high alert. One minute I was crying the next I was acting like a crazy person. I was feeling the effects sooner than I thought. I was loosing my will power with every day that passed. He was respecting my boundaries, doing what I asked but in his own way.

He knew I was close to giving in.

I was fighting as hard as I could.

I hadn't heard anything back from Yale and I had yet to face Mr Gallagher after that dreaded night. I had took it upon myself and against the doctors orders to drive.

You would have loved to have seen my grans face when I told her. My hand was healing fine, and my car was automatic so it wasn't that hard.

I had been up since 6. I couldn't stop the fevers, every piece of night clothing I had ruined with sweat.

"What if something happens?". My gran asked.

"I'll be fine I promise".

"I don't want you driving until your hand is properly healed".

"Then how am I meant to get to school?".

"You call Jake".

this again. She was furious when I told her but still thought

out of it' her words

see you when I finish and remember and take your meds". I

with a football, Jack was

wearing a

I couldn't stop staring.

forming between

my bottom lip.

Our eyes locked.

knew exactly what he was doing but I wasn't giving up.

in my direction. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I shook my head. I still wasn't ready to deal with what

just wasn't ready to

fell from his face, I had to get out of here before

made it worse. I wish I could explain the feeling,

deep breath unlocking my car and getting in. Not seeing him was


Driving wasn't as difficult as I thought it

see if she was coming in today. I felt bad for not texting her back over the last week. I didn't

hadn't replied to one of them. They weren't to blame of course they weren't but I still didn't have the courage to face

pulled in next to me cutting her engine.

some coffee". I

asking for you. Please go

don't know if I

mom is on your side. You should have seen her when she found

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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