I was sat in English. Mr Gallagher hadn't even looked my way. All I got was a simple nod and a reminder that I still had two weeks of detention.

I couldn't concentrate on anything that he was saying. My skin felt like it was on fire.

"In order to pass this class you still need to sit your final exam. You'll get your assignments back at the end of the week".

"So we all passed sir?". Trevor asked

"Barely". He smirked. "But yes you all passed. Some better than others mind you".

"Thank god for that". Abby sighed. "I struggled with that one".

"Same. I'm not sure I done enough".

"I'm sure you did". She smiled. "Can I ask you something?".


"Are you still involved with Jake Taylor?".

"Involved?". I laughed. "That makes me sound old but no I'm not. How come?". I had a feeling she had heard what happened.

"I heard something but-....

"Settle down everyone". Mr Gallagher interrupted. "Although your assignment is finished it doesn't mean there isn't work to do". He glanced my way. "Your final exam isn't that far away". "What did you hear?". I whispered.

"And I'm sure". His voice got louder. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. "No one wants to fail. I'm going to pass out a short story that was wrote by a friend of mine.

I want you to tell me what they could have done better or if you would have changed anything". He passed them to the people in the front row so they could pass them back. "Abby?".

"That he was with something else". She whispered.

Even though I already knew the truth it still hurt to hear it coming from someone else. If she knew how many other people knew?

"But it's just rumours right?".

Smiling I shook my head. I wish it was just rumours.

"That asshole". She huffed.

"Abby is there a problem?". Mr Gallagher asked.

"Oh-.. no sir sorry".

by the way. You knocked

"I did?". She grinned.

His grin

"Awesome". She laughed.

how I did. I passed and that's all that mattered. There was a knock on the door before Mr Gregg the principal

door closed and Mr Gallagher was out of sight

he did that

"It happens". I shrugged.

It was strange to hear her swear. She always seemed

notepad ready to start jotting down

word please

The first thing that came to mind was

"Now Miss Wilson".

got to my feet taking my phone from my pocket to see if I had any missed calls. Surely my aunt Claire would have tried to contact me. "What's going

is fine Miss Wilson. Mr Gallagher you can

down the hall. Why was he taking me out my class? As we turned the

Mr Gregg. I owe you one".

"Anytime Jake".

I was fuming.

you think


you think taking me out of school is going to make me talk

"You won't let

hall was going to be full of students


ready". I about

and drag me out of school. What was he thinking? Locking the stall door floods of tears fell from my eyes. I wasn't upset and yet I couldn't control

with some toilet paper I took a deep breath. I stood in the toilets until the bell went signalling second period had started. I had a free period so

I saw Mr Gallagher standing at the coffee machine. God

"Miss Wilson".

"Sir". I nodded.

a hint of


see. After school come by my classroom and I'll

detention". I sighed picking

you alright?". He

out my chemistry books I opened my notepad. I was feeling more confident

got class?". I

pack of twizzlers on the table sliding them to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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