The rain was pouring but I didn't care. I was exactly where I wanted to be. We could do this, we could "I'll never hurt you again Leah I promise".

rough it.

y feel them getting better.

e. I wasn't overthinking.

It amazed me how fast he sobered up. I could still smell the liquor on his breath. "Let's go inside it's freezing". He was sat on the end of my bed when I returned from the shower. Things weren't perfect but I could It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My head for once didn't feel like it was going to "You can shower if you want". He was still covered in dry blood and dirt. I didn't want the dirt infecting "You going to let me sleep over?". He stood from the bed taking the towel I was holding.

"I don't think that's the best idea". We were just getting back on our feet. Rushing into it wasn't going "You're probably right but can I stay a little while?".

"You got sober real fast". I grabbed my pillow sitting at the top of my bed.

"I'm a werewolf Leah".

I frowned. What did that have to do with him being sober?

"If I don't continue to drink then it wears off".

"But you still get hangovers?".

"We don't".

"But Alanna-...".

didn't know about werewolf's back then. She had

"That's so weird".

"I'm going to get

could stay a little while



I wanted us to build the trust we so desperately needed, I so desperately needed. I didn't want to jump back in with two feet and get burned. I turned on my tv and


Rubbing my eyes a yawn escaped my mouth. He

to fall asleep". I whispered. "What time is it?". My tv was off, the only light coming from my bedside lamp. "Almost

had been sleeping for hours and yet he didn't leave. Pulling back my covers I patted the space next to

and around my neck. I could hear him stripping out of his clothes, the bed dipped under his weight. He didn't touch me, he pulled the covers back laying on top of them. I so badly wanted to feel him against me. The warmth of his body against

sleep". He

the covers?".

it would be better

and get under the cover". I turned back around burying myself deeper into my pillow. I didn't need to tell him twice.


to sleep".

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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