He was leaning against my car when I left for school. I could tell he had been out running, no shirt only a pair of shorts and sneakers.

"Don't you ever get a cold?". I asked as I approached him. I was cold just looking at him and it was still drizzling with rain.

"Another perk". He grinned.

"You sneak out on me this morning?".

"I didn't sneak out I went home for a shower and breakfast before a run".

"Do you always run without a shirt on?". I unlocked my car putting my bag on the back seat.

"Not always". He smirked when he caught me staring. I couldn't help it. His chest was so defined and chiselled. Rock hard abs, the outline of his V. Jake Taylor was nice to look at.

"I have to get to school". I averted my gaze already feeling the heat on my cheeks.

"Can I see you tonight?". He asked.

Since when did he ever ask?


"Will you come to my house. We could chill and watch a movie?".

"Only if you feed me". I grinned. This wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. My head wasn't filled with constant doubt. He was trying and I appreciated the effort. "Deal". He winked. "Can I message you throughout the day?".

Wow! This was new, I wasn't used to him asking instead of just doing.

"Sure but-...". He was on me before I could finish my sentence. His grip tight around my waist, my breath caught in my throat. "I-... I"...

gentle but-..". He buried

I liked the thrill, the excitement of how rough he could be. The dominance and power that radiated from him turned me on. "You smell so fucking good".

"I have to-...".

my neck, the sharpness of his teeth scraping against

every thought in my head gone. I couldn't focus on anything but what his

feel-.... His tongue lapped at my

he knew it as well as I. This was dangerous especially with

I need to-... stop". I placed my hand on his chest my eyes opening. My mind becoming clear, my body slowing calming down.

so fucking bad". He brushed his


couldn't believe I was the one stopping it. I was usually begging him to touch me. But we were outside in the rain,

"I have to go".

tonight". He pulled back, I instantly

fancy place again". I made a

and a burger". He

so well". I grinned. "But right now I have to go

"Be ready for 8".



just as the bell went. Rushing up the stairs and throughout the hallways I reached my locker to grab my books. Students were still walking around so I knew that bell was only the first warning. I had chemistry first, I was excited to catch up with Ryan. Closing my locker and zipping

didn't need this right now. I couldn't be any

the person I wanted to see". The stern voice reached my ears. Of course I would bump into him when

crossed while I picked myself and my

classroom, now Miss

have class

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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