"4 left to do but I'm okay with that". I packed my books away. I had come a long way and I was quite proud of myself. I was straight up failing when I came here and now not so much.

It was becoming easier, clearer to me and I was finally getting it. My brain was finally taking it in.

"That's not bad. Did he message back?".

I'll tell you something she wasn't half eager to get out of morning patrols. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. "Not yet but I'm sure he will". I wasn't convinced but he could come out his mood when he was ready.

I'd rather not deal with the Jake I got last night.

"What class have you got now?".

"English then free period. You?".

"Maths". She sighed as the bell went. "Text me and keep me posted".

"I will".

In this school there was always a warning bell before the actual bell. One for you to get to class and the other one for class to start.

5 minutes in between. That was enough time to grab a coffee and a snack right?

Regardless I was heading for coffee.

I still felt off, my belly was filled with nerves. Or at least that's what they felt like. I was anxious as hell like I was waiting for something to happen.

I pushed for a cappuccino and grabbed a bag of hot Cheetos out the vending machine. Just as I out the lid on my coffee the second bell went.

Oh well.

I didn't rush, I didn't panic because quite frankly I wasn't bothered. My mood was different, I felt different and although I needed to stick out the last few weeks I really didn't want to.

needed to have. Although I wasn't


I mentally cursed. His door was closed which meant he

was probably heading my

Go Leah!

Everyone was talking amongst themselves, music playing from someone's phone, people not sitting where they should

my seat I dumped my bag on the ground. At

period". Abby grinned as

Mr Gallagher?".

wasn't here when I arrived and

for someone to realise we don't

"Pretty much". She shrugged.

"Weird". I frowned.

this isn't last period".

be". I

never skipped before". The smile


head. "My mom would kill me if she found out. She's working so hard to

I'm not sure if I was trying to convince Abby or myself.

know what fuck it


had just left

you want me

you be so cool about

graduating didn't matter, I had no fancy school to get into. Yes I had got into Yale but

here. I was to play wife to the Alpha wolf. I rolled my eyes at that ridiculous thought. I knew I was more than that but sometimes it didn't feel like it. "Guess I'm used to it by now".

Even though it wasn't that long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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