I drove to the training ground.

My car parked I was sat staring across the field. I spotted him straight away. Barking orders, firing demands, demanding respect.

His pack scattered everywhere. Some in human form, most in wolf form. Even from the car I felt a little intimidated. It was something I was never going to get used to.

The chap on my window knocked me out my thoughts. Jack was stood staring at me. Jack was a lot like Jake at times. A massive prick with a stinking attitude.

I opened my window a little, enough to hear what he had to say.

"You here to fix that?".

"Excuse me?".

"We've been here since half 5 sweetheart. Take one for the team and sort your f*****g shit out".

"You think he's like that because out me?". I glared.

"I never said that". His glare matched mine. "But he's running them into the ground, especially the young ones".

"Yeah because I can stop him. You know better than me what he's like when he's like this. There's no getting through to him". I ran a hand through my hair a sigh slipping past my lips. "You're his fucking mate". He hissed. "You can at least try".

stood, a shiver rocking through my body


"What, what is it?".

before someone ends up dead". With that being said he sprinted back

landed on him. Still barking his orders, pushing everyone to the fullest. Working

are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. Whatever he asked

rains better for training in". He yelled

my nerves. He opened the passenger side door and got in. "What are you doing

as another roar of thunder broke through the

He made a face. "Go home I'll come by when I'm

like?". I whispered. "Because if it is then I don't want

want what?". He

of my throat. It was hard saying this but

off to Yale and

actually just say that. I could feel the tears in

what you want isn't it

you just said that". My voice barely a whisper, a


made me jump. I felt numb, my heart hurt. The sob I so desperately tried to hide rocked it's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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