Jacob dropped us off and to say I felt a little awkward was an understatement. Standing outside the club I stared at the queue to get in. It was going to be a busy night.

"Come on". Alanna looped her arm through mine pulling me to the front of the line.

I felt the bass from the music under my feet. The music blasting through my ears. Slipping her hand down my arm she grabbed my hand.

"Have fun tonight okay".


She stopped dead before turning to face me. "Promise you're not gonna be mad".

"Why would I be mad?". I followed her gaze the smile slipping from my face, my stomach tightening. I knew what she was going to say before she said it.

"Please tell me-...". My breath caught in my throat when I saw him. Sat between Jack and Carter, that stupid but sexy smirk on his face.

I couldn't control my breathing. I didn't think I would react this way but I couldn't stop. He looked different, bigger, more rugged, unshaven.

I wanted nothing more than to go to him.

"Is-... is this why you wanted me to come tonight?". I pulled my hand from her grasp.

"Please don't go". She begged. "He's home, he's back for you".

"Lucky me". I whispered.

I felt embarrassed, stupid even. How could she just spring this on me without any warning.

"You tricked me-... that photo?". I asked.

sure you were going to be

I knew he knew I was here. Him and his freaky werewolf senses. I couldn't take my eyes off him. My nerves wrecked, the butterflies swarming in my stomach.


air". I didn't give her time to reply. I pushed my way through

this novel on .net. Visit

think, my head all fuzzy. I was finding it hard to catch my breath. He was actually here and yet he hadn't tried to approach me. "Little lady are you okay?". Jimmy

in my purse for my phone. I think calling an Uber and going

A Facebook notification. Alanna had uploaded the picture

I smiled. I liked her

the little crown

I was out with my friends. I shouldn't feel like I have to go home just because he was here. Straightening my shoulders I about turned making my way back inside.

could sense him watching, knew he was staring along with

I was, maybe the respect wasn't there right now but it would

looked confident. It may

I sat beside her. Jake was sitting at the top end engrossed in a conversation

knew he

he'll be listening". She

and Lacey walking back from

and girl in here had their eyes


different coloured

home". Alanna grabbed the bottle of champagne from the bucket it

"Champagne?". I frowned.

could afford to buy

was meant for you though so we waited". She filled up four glasses before handing me one. "Even came with this". She snuck her hand under the table before producing


but I wasn't interested in roses or champagne. He knew how simple I was. A conversation, a little acknowledgment that I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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