"You two seem to be getting along really well". She grinned passing me a mug of tea.

We were out the back sitting on the decking. The rain had stopped, the air mild and fresh.

"We are". I smiled. "It feels different".

"In a good way?".

"I didn't realise how much I needed him".

"Until he left?".

"Yeah, I thought because we didn't mate the feelings would just go away".

"Doesn't work like that". She smiled. "Can I be honest with you?".

I gave her a nod as I sipped on my tea.

"Not everyone finds their mate Leah. I didn't think I was going to find Carter".

"But you did".

"Yeah". She laughed. "But there is always that feeling inside. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. The longing feeling like something is missing. When you meet the person you're destined to be with everything else falls into place".

"Mine hasn't been that easy". I laughed.

"You're mated to an Alpha. It was never going to be an easy ride".

"Don't remind me". I rolled my eyes taking another sip of my tea.

"But things are good now right?".

"Yeah". I smiled. "For now".

"It's nice to see you happy. My brother hasn't exactly made it easy for you".

"Wasn't all his fault". Yes he was difficult at times but so was I.

"Maybe not but it mostly was. At least he's finally becoming the person he needs too".

"Meaning?". I frowned.

made a face. "I'm surprised my dad didn't beat his a*s". "We're

match". She

other". I rolled my eyes as my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Taking it out my grans name was flashing on the


I'm 10 minutes out. I'm going to pick up takeout. Are

but I'll meet you

have something to talk to

I ended the call and glanced at

"Everything okay?". She asked.

at the time. "Gran wants to have

me down

Can you let Jake know I went

I'll see

in my car and drove the short distance home. Parking in the driveway I cut my engine and

and went into the living room. I switched on the lights and turned on the heating. It was

didn't wait long before my

here". She smiled as she walked into the kitchen placing the food on the counter. "Get some plates will you. I

asked pulling two plates from the cupboard.

She fixed the food onto the two

I hadn't seen her in ages even though it was just the other

"Eat". She ordered.

at the table and started eating. "Did you enjoy being away?".

hand, how's school. You finish up

hands fine and yes I have the last of my exams this week". Even thinking about them turned my stomach. I wasn't sure I was ready to sit them. "And what

The dreaded question.

"I'm not going".

She finally sat down

don't want to

As long as

had already decided I was staying and I wasn't going to change my mind again.

for after you graduate?".

get my degree

be living at

was she getting at asking

her stuff out.

Lana for a few days. Gran what's this all about?". I put my

mate soon,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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