I was hot, sweating actually. Peeling my eyes open I jumped when I realised I was no longer in my bedroom. His grip around my waist tightened as he pulled me closer.

"Go back to sleep princess it's late".

It was?

The last thing I remember was the talk with my gran and then being in my room. How did I end up at Jake's and in his bed?

"What happened?". I whispered.

"Nothing happened baby. You fell asleep so I brought you to mine".

"You carried me?". How did I not wake up? Or at least feel him move me?

"I did". He lifted his head from the pillow and even though it was dark I could see the hint of his smirk.

"What time is it?". I asked.

"Almost 1".

I had been sleeping for hours.

He lay his head back down and slipped his arm over and around my waist. "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you for school in the morning".

So I did. My full body relaxed against him as I drifted back to sleep.


He wasn't beside me when I woke up. His side of the bed already cold. Glancing at the clock on his bedside table a sigh fell from my lips. 4am was staring back at me. Why wasn't he in bed?

was wearing. One of his T-shirts. A light blush made it's

He had stripped me?

his door stopping at the top

"She here?".


she's here".

only asking". Alanna

to move out as

gran? Something wasn't

wrong. Leah isn't ready". Jake wasn't angry but he did


grit my teeth when the


not one word

way back to his bedroom, got back in the bed and shut my


again he was wrapped around me like a vine. Catching sight of

His grip around

7 but I liked to be prepared and I wanted

grip loosened as he rolled over onto his side. "I'll

can drive". I

"Not today princess".

I wanted to know was what they were talking about this morning. "Okay". I pushed the

the bag

long. I didn't wash my hair either knowing he wouldn't have a hair dryer. The knock on the door caused me to jump and

"Coffee babe".

you". I took the cup from him and held it to my nose. "I won't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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