Breakfast didn't happen. By the time I got out the shower he had already left. A note stuck to the fridge, something to do with patrolling and changeover but he assured me he would be back for lunch time. I fixed myself some coffee whilst texting back and forth with Alanna. I still wanted to go out. I needed to deposit the cheque and I wanted to have a look round the mall. I was to pick Alanna up at her mom's. I grabbed my jacket, slipped my feet into my boots and grabbed my purse on the way out.

But just like always something must creep in and disrupt my day.

George was standing by my car.

"I'm heading out". I unlocked my car walking to the driver's side.

"I just need five minutes of your time".

"I'm not ready to talk to her yet". I had to keep reminding myself that I was putting myself first. No one else mattered right now. Not my gran and not Lana. I was happy, let's face it I haven't been this happy in a long time. For once I wasn't worrying about someone else. I was focusing on myself, putting my needs and my happiness above everyone else.

"She really misses you Leah".

I couldn't do this now. I didn't want to think about any of this. I had enough on my plate without adding my gran to it. I wasn't ready to see her, and I didn't want to be forced by guilt.

in. I didn't expect the wave of sadness that washed over me. I still couldn't believe this is what it had come down to.

did we even get

outside. I ran over in my head what just happened.

It was never going to change. One thing after another. It seemed

as she


me you and

pulled away from the side of the road and

George is back in

"Yeah". I sighed.

your gran with

if anything that's where they would be staying. Maybe that's where she has been all this time. She pulled a cowardly move, and I couldn't wait to hear her excuse

and it's exactly what I needed. A night out with friends surrounded by laughter and

laugh fell from her lips. "Girls night

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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