She smirked. "You wanted to kick her a*s at the dinner the other night, didn't you?".

"I haven't felt anger like that before, my wolf was clawing at my skin to get out. I have no idea how I managed to control her".

"Well, it wasn't Jake. You almost clawed his eyes out". She laughed. "You did good though. Some people would have shifted there and then". "Do you think she'll come back?".

"Honestly, I don't know. I wouldn't worry though because if she does, he'll kill her no questions asked. She's an outsider now, her family to".

"Good to know". It annoyed me that everyone thought I was worried. I hated the feeling of people thinking I was weak and afraid. I wasn't scared of Jessica or her wolf.

I felt her, I felt my wolf bring herself forward. It was the strangest feeling ever, but it soothed me knowing that I could rely on her.

"Your eyes have changed. Is your wolf present?". She asked.

"Why does everyone think I'm worried about Jessica?". I asked. "Do people think I'm afraid of her?".

"Leah nobody-....

Heat washed over my body, my breathing changed, my heartbeat rapid. My wolf was right

"We're not fucking weak".

her take

was like I was seeing

the best werewolf in town, I may not have the ability to do what you guys do but trust me when I say I


the bone. He treated my mom and dad so bad. He wouldn't talk or listen to anyone and then he went on a killing spree".

"A killing spree?".

"Rogue wolfs".

territory?". I

her head. "He went looking for them. He was gone almost a year. My dad tried his hardest to keep track of him, but he was fast and good at hiding his

take over Leah. It's hard to gain

he get his back?". I


wouldn't let me leave his mom's house. I was sat on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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