I sighed. We were friends, no, we were family. Jack was Jake's best friend and Beta. Why were people so against a helping hand?

"I don't want your money Lacey but if it makes you feel better you can pay me ten dollars a month". I didn't need the money and I certainly didn't want it. "If you don't take it then I'll be forced to sell it and I really don't want to do that". "Thank you but Jack-....

"I'll talk to Jack". Jake interrupted. "I'll make him see sense. I'm going on a patrol. Will you be, okay?".


"I'll stay with her". Lacey added.

"I won't be long".

"Okay, spill". "Are you guys fighting?".

"No. Are you and Jack, okay?".

"We talked for hours last night and now we both understand what each other wants. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. I told him I wasn't ready, and he finally let it go. We are going to have kids just now right now. I think if we move into our own home, we'll get the space we need".

"It's nice to see you with a spring back in your step". I smiled.

"Now spill". She stole a piece of bacon from my plate. "Because something is definitely going on".

"He thinks I'm pregnant". I took a sip of my juice. "Apparently my scent has changed".

She grinned. "It's sweeter".

stomach dropped. I couldn't be pregnant, could

didn't want to be.

that you are. I'm guessing

shook my head. I was scared to take one in case the result was positive. I wasn't ready for kids. I had my whole life for that but right now

way to

have my

"Could be spotting".

"I'm going to have to take the test, aren't

"Afraid so".




putting leftovers in Tupperware tubs when he

"Everything good?". I asked.

"Yeah, baby".


but he still wants

the fridge and grabbed a clean mug from the

"You don't drink tea".

well you've put me in the mood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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