Where did that come from?

"Sorry". I sighed.

"What time did you get up this morning?".

"Around nine". I lied. I had been up with the birds. I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't.


"Half 5". I chewed my bottom lip. "But on the plus side I cleaned the full house and-...".

"Baby". He grabbed both my hands. "One, you don't need to clean the house. If it's dirty I'll get someone in to clean it and two, you need to sleep longer than 5 hours".

I rolled my eyes. It was our home. I wasn't going to let someone else take care of it. "I'm fine I wasn't tired. I'm going to shower and then do some grocery shopping". I kissed his cheek.

He didn't let go of my hands.

"Grocery shopping?".

"Yes, it's what adults do so they can eat".

"You never go grocery shopping".


full pantry shop and fill the fridge and freezer. It was time we started meal prepping instead of always eating out or

deposit that-... Leah". He sighed. "That needs to be put

one was

by the bank on my way to the

about I

not busy?". I

when it

liked hanging out and spending time together. Even if it was


Jake is exactly how I imagined it would be taking a child. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. He was putting everything

food Jake". I sighed as he put a box

meats and vegetables. Fruits and greens. The way he was going we weren't going to have

smirked. "It's for

ass. If that was the case cheat day was every day in our house. My snacking habits had gotten worse. Especially

you want me to put

no I

"I never said that".

shopping pretty quickly. I stopped him from putting anymore junk in the cart and instead filled it with real food. I wasn't much of a cook, but I wasn't against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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