Now wasn't a suitable time. I re-read the message repeatedly. I wasn't expecting him to turn me down. If anything, I thought he would have been over the moon that I wanted to visit. He seemed eager the last time we spoke. Something didn't feel right but I didn't bother to reply, instead I put it to the back of my mind and went to get ready for the day ahead. Jake was standing in the kitchen, a coffee in one hand and his phone in the other.

"I'm taking you to breakfast".

"Can I at least have some coffee first?". A yawn escaped my mouth as I sat at the table.

"One cup a day princess. It's not good for the baby".

"I know". I sighed, taking the cup from him.

"Are you feeling, okay?". He asked.

"About the cabin can we go today?".

"What happened with going to visit your dad?".

"Yeah, I don't want to do that anymore". I pushed the chair back and got to my feet. "I'm going to finish getting ready and then you can take me to breakfast".

"Wow". He reached out gripping a hold of my arm as I tried to walk past. "What happened with your dad?".

"Apparently now isn't a suitable time to visit so I'm not going anymore".

"Shit babe did he say why?".

ready now". I leaned down

let go of

"Jake". I sighed.

just want to make sure you're okay with all this. I know

"You're my family".

to me wanting to visit but I wasn't going to dwell on it. It's not like I was missing out. I was used

think something has

to see me?".

feel right. I know how much he wants a relationship with

"You do?".

conversation but that's going off topic. I'm going to

just be that he thought he was ready to have a relationship with me and then realised he wasn't

I needed and allowed for this to be on my

phone already

don't see why he was making such a fuss over this. I wasn't bothered by it. Annoyed a little yes but it didn't really faze me. It's

feet into my sneakers and grabbed my jacket from the bottom of the


nodded. I didn't ask who he called or what they said because I really wasn't interested. I


diner or the coffee shop but when he pulled into his parents' driveway I frowned. I mean we could have just walked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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