When I used to get upset my gran would be the one I would talk to and then when she left, I turned to Alanna. Now I had no one. Letting that sink in more tears fell from my eyes. Charlotte was lovely, great and very understanding but it wasn't the same and there were some things I couldn't talk to her about. It wouldn't feel right ranting to her about her son. But this wasn't about Jake.

"Here sweetheart". She gave me my tea and placed a box of tissues next to me. "It's okay to cry Leah". Again, she placed her hand on top of mine. "We all do it". Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on .net. Visit .net to read the complete chapters for free. "The last few days have been tough". I brought the cup to my lips while taking a sip. "I thought Jake and I needed a few days apart, so I planned to go visit my dad and maybe meet the rest of my family". "Did something happen to make you change your mind?".

"I didn't change my mind. He said now wasn't a suitable time. What does that even mean?".

"Did you ask him why?".

"I didn't message him back. Honestly, I think he's changed his mind about wanting to be in my life".

"I'm sure that's not true. If you want my advice, I'd call him. You won't know the truth until you ask".

I wasn't going to do that. I would wait until he reaches out and if he doesn't then I'll know for sure.

"Can I ask how things are with you and Jake?".

"Jake's difficult at times but he's nothing I can't handle".

sure made the right choice for my son when she picked you as his mate. You're a

wonder if Jake would prefer

"He's protective".

I know it comes from a good


many times I had

happen. Regardless of the outcome this is what's best for me, for us". "Then connect with your wolf. Go to the training


to and the only thing that

she'll give you back control and if she doesn't then I'm sure Jake will be able to

her down?".

sweetheart he'll make her submit but if your wolf is anything like you". A laugh fell from her lips. "Don't make it so serious. Get Jake to take you to the training ground and have fun

sure you'll get some

cheeks grew red when

and trust me when I say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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