Chapter 0048


“Well that didn’t take long! Something tells me that your little sister was lying about you hunting. Tut tut. I’m a little disappointed in her.” Veronica studies me with her grey eyes. She runs her hands through her long blonde hair, pulling it back from her neck. Showing me that she still wasn't marked. It was an act, a reminder of why she was here.

Why is she here? Stupid bitch!’ Aero growls

‘You know why. The same reason she always is!’ I sigh

“Changed your mind, Dane?” She beams at me. “You know I’m here whenever you need me. Ready for you to claim me.” ‘I'm surprised it's taken you so long to arrive. Neah has been here almost a month now.”

She frowns at me, “That's not a nice way to greet your lover.

“You are not my lover. You haven't been for years. So what has brought you back this time? Because my answer never changes. You should have: figured that out by now.”

“Dane, don't be like that. We were great together. And we can still be great together. I’m just here to remind you of that. We both know this new one won't stick, I mean, I haven't even heard of her.”


has come after you.” “And I've been right, haven't I Dane?” She gives me a smug smiles “Well, I hate to break it to

She takes a step towards me. “Are you still trying to deny how much you enjoyed it? I still remember how you smiled when he fell to

good on you

She scoffs as her eyes widened.

anew bride. That screams desperation to me. Turing up just in the hopes that I

can’t talk to

are the outsider, you were the one who betrayed

I am: back fer good." She grabs holdof

ago, Veronica. I've moved on.” I pull my hands from hers. “And you need to get a grip: I've a ready banished my brother, would your ‘like to join him?” Content

gasps, “You actually

ask. Do

and go. I don’t want to be without a pack. That would be torture.” “Then I suggest you

try me?” I keep my tone hollow, to show her that I wasn't

special about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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