Chapter 0049

‘I agree.

She smiles at me. “Oh, you regret marking her?"

“No, I regret letting you live.” I turn around, walking away. “Keep your distance, Veronica. “You can't just walk away, Dane!” She moans, running alongside me

“I can do what I want, Veronica.”

“Why are you being like this? You used to care about me.”

“Used to. Like you said, it was a long time ago, there have been others since you and not once have I come back to you. Why do you think now will be any different?

“Because, because it's me."

Has she not come up with any new lines.’ Aero groans. ‘It's always the same fucking story. Please, we were good together, you let me live, blah blah blah. She really needs to get over herself.”

“Has she slept with Jenson? Is that why you banished him?”

to dig for

keeping pace with me as I walk

“Veronica, go away.”

meet the woman

stop, I glare at

I want to

just a

voice drops to a whisper as she



I didn’t just mark her because I wanted to. I marked her because she is my mate. She is the one that I have

“None of your business.”

she can't even satisfy you, can she?!” She mocks,

her:> The merhori es made it even more amusing, because it was like ©: Veronica couldn't see what was happening. My brothe knew, because he kept crackingjokes about being able to sleep with her.

the only one he had never touched and even that said

her words become lighter as though she was suddenly

"No." I tell Veronica

I told you, I'm home. It's time for me to put down some proper roots instead of spending all of your money on travelling.” She flutters her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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