Chapter 0105


I hadn’t heard Trey’s voice since the day we returned to Moonshine. It sends a cold shiver down my spine when it rattles through my head. My body involuntarily trembles at his words because every word had always inflicted fear.

“You hear them?” Alpha Dane asks quietly? I nod, “Alp......" I trail off when he cocks his eyebrow at me

“Equals.” He mutters. “You can’t go around calling everyone Alpha, Beta or whatever now.” His lips curve up. “You are far past that. You are an Alpha

“D....Dane,” I splutter. It sounded so weird, and wrong rolling off my tongue without the Alpha in front of it. “Nyx is shutting them out. But Trey broke through. They are coming.” I turn back around to look at the body that is engulfed in flames. The bones had almost been licked clean, and the sneaking idea of doing the same to Trey and Cassandra pops into my head. I wanted to make them feel every inch of pain that I had felt. Burning them alive might just work.

I didn't feel like that little shy girl anymore.

I knew Dane was listening to my thoughts, he always did when I went quiet or when I was deep in thought. His hand catches mine, his fingers quickly lace with mine, locking us together. He leans in close "As much as I want to fuck you right now, we need to go and prepare.”

He seemed to love this weird dark side of mine that creeps in. Dane pulls me through the forest at a quick pace. His eyes constantly move to make sure we were not heading into danger.

main pack area. Klaus is heading straight towards us. His

broken his back in two places. He will probably be out for the rest of the day.” He tells Dane as he comes to a stop. Yet his deep green eyes keep flickering to me. Did

“Two places?” Dane confirms

pulled out and his long dark hair hangs around his face, making him look murderous. “He will be out for a

eyes move down to our interlocked hands, “What’s going

know when, but they will be coming. Jenson was

green eyes settle on me properly “You've accepted, haven't you?

at him, because he didn’t sound happy when he asked me the question. It felt almost like an accusation “What's

just surprised, that’s


didn't expect....,” he frowns. “I guess I didn't

is hiding

the flickery

tell us!” Dane snaps as he loses

to find. you before we were called to the. forest. Was because I managedto find.out more about the one who


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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