Chapter 0106

Dane is scowling and I have a headache brewing. “It makes you nervous?” Dane mutters “Of course it does.”

I raise an eyebrow at Klaus. He was tall and wide like most of the men here. Though he wasn't like the others. Preferring to be shut away reading and researching. I don’t think I've even seen him training with the others.

There was a moment where I questioned Dane about Klaus really being a Wolf. He reassured me that Klaus went on every pack run and had done so since he had been in Black Shadow.

“You were bullied.” I mumble remembering what I had been told. “You never knew when something was coming and that's why this is making you nervous.”

His deep green eyes lock with mine. I knew my words rang true.

“I like you, Neah. I don't want to see anything bad happen to you.”

Tell him it won't.’ Nyx murmurs

I repeat her words and Klaus sighs, like he doesn’t believe it. His green eyes slowly move up to Dane. “What do you want me to do?”

me accepting my position travels thick and fast. Dane was inundated with questions and spent most of the afternoon and late evening in

forest, insisting everyone gets a decent amount of

attack, we just knew they would. So Dane was telling them to

lang night.

when I’m pulled from my sleep. Panic tears through me, this

the light, almost blinding my tired eyes. "He wants to speak with

being attacked." My hand

up into a seated position. He is already moving to the closet to pull out clothes for

and I couldn't help but notice how many Wolves were awake and moving around at this hour “What are

“Prepping the pups.

I ask in shock, disgusted by

need to preserve my pack. The elder Wolves are taking them to> another location until it is safe to return.” Content belongs tay

sigh of relief.

an emotional wreck. And technically not part

hear. I wanted to know that she was going to be kept safe. She had been thrown into a life that she didn't

talking before we even opened the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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