Chapter 0230


I was expecting his dark eyes to be wide with my announcement. Instead he just stares at me like I have just asked him if he had a good day.

“Are you not going to say anything?” I demand.

“What do you want me to say?”

“This isn’t one of those times where you wait for my instructions, or you need to follow my orders. I just gave you the answer to why I don’t shift. Why I mentioned losing control. Why I find it easy to kill Rogues, well, kill anyone. And now you are just staring at me!"

He continues to watch me.

“There have been hints for months and you have been too dumb to see it!” I snap, sudden rage boiling through me. This is why I never let anyone get close. I never wanted them to figure it out, but Jenson has been here for months and he still hasn't figured it out.

“Dumb?” He cocks an eyebrow at me

I’m feeling. I knew it would come to this and

hands into his pockets. I was expecting his heart

sniffed out Damien. I’ve just been waiting for


allowing you to sniff out other Lycans, differentiating them from the Wolves. You sniffed him out when he followed me. You knew he was there

surprise me, but he has my

I wouldn’t have put two and two together. But you are right about one thing. Little bits of information have slipped through. Which probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t fallen for you and stuck around. I’ve been waiting for you

that is rampaging as I clutch the rolled up yoga mat to my chest. He

claim me?” I was pretty sure if the window was open and a breeze passed through it would knock me off my feet. No one, not a single person had wanted anything from me other than to kill something or someone. They hadn't ben interested in my life in any shape


I splutter,



Why should that stop us? If I claim you, you are mine and I am yours. I don’t care if you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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