Chapter 0231

He pries the keys out of my hand. “I will drive.”

I give in and let him take them. While I slip my feet into some wedges, he asks me where I want to go.

“Just drive.” I mutter and follow him out the front door.

He doesn’t speak as he winds the car through some back roads. He lets my thoughts run wild. Waiting for me to take the lead.

I’m not even sure how far we have travelled when he pulls the car in under some trees, but I could see the sun appearing in the distance.


“I’ve been driving for hours. We will need fuel if I keep it up.” He mutters.

It was now or never.

“I have spent my life searching for my half sister. To right the wrong that happened to me and my mother. She was impossible to find until recently. All I had to go on was a name and when our kind are hidden from the world, do you know how hard that is?”

He keeps his mouth closed but watches me carefully.

it. It comes naturally. People paid me to get rid of problems. A handy way of earning money while doing the thing I loved at the same time. Do you

bad dig, and I knew



something to Lycans.” I shake my head. “It turns us into even worse monsters than what we already are and sometimes, there is no stopping it.” I sigh. I had never told anyone that

back from being a monster.” His

one day, I could lose that battle all over again.” He might as well

has it

“Four years.”

still think it's a

nod, watching the sun rise over the


eyes flash to his. “What do

still a chance that you will go back to that life? Surely if you don’t want it, then

can think of explaining it is that it has a hold on

population under control.”

destroying the world so we knock them back down. Though some Rogues go too

that I told you where

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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