Chapter 0535

"Do you think he will start a war if he doesn't get what he wants?" She asks

"He has Wolves and Lycans. But so do we."


"Well you look better than the last time I saw you." Silas tells me as Damien pushes him into the room. His crimson eyes move to Samara. "And who is this?"

*Serkans other granddaughter." I tell him

He frowns a little, his eyes dancing between us, "Amelia's daughter?"

"You knew my mother?" Samara stares at him

He dips his chin

"Do you know how she died?"

"Yes." He tells her.

She stares at him expectantly, but he just stares back with his mouth firmly closed.

*Can you tell me?" Samara pushes.

are ready to hear

his own daughter." I

easy enough to make the connection, otherwise he would have

killed his daughter? Why?" Samara asks. There is no emotion in her question. But

but not much. "I believe Amelia was part of a plot to overthrow Serkan. It was a long time ago and the details are vague. You know how stories are. Over time details are added, some are removed and it's not always the clear picture that

it was a

was in my late teens. Do you think

studied Kitson

Amelia was removed from

leans against a nearby wall, watching Silas

took from Moonshine. Which had been in the house when it burned down. Erased from history. Maybe she

though Amelia was his biological daughter. He decided that he no longer considered her to be once she tried to have him killed. She was removed and no one ever saw her again." *So


there is a chance?" Samara presses but Silas shrugs his

she plotted against him?"

truly does. Except

fucked up." Damien

me?" Samara asks quietly. She was desperate for answers about her family.

"Yes." Silas replies

quiet. I was certain he didn't know about her. It was probably a

change. Was he even

be Alpha. You were the child of his untamed daughter. You were a tiny

"Is that what he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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