Chapter 0536


Scratching through the stubble on my chin, I sigh, "He has several."

Other than the beating hearts in the room, you could have heard a pin drop. It was not the answer any one of them wanted to hear.

"Witches are rare." Dane mutters. "They don't come along too often."

I nod in agreement. I knew they were. It had been drummed into me when I had been full of questions as a kid. And White Cliffs are incredibly happy to have them, even the one that denies her heritage. Or maybe, people felt like they had to be happy with their presence. I wasn't sure anymore. There were just so many holes in the story and all it has taken is for me to meet my twin.

*And Witches rarely work with Wolves." Dane continues

"Depends what they are being offered, I guess. They have nice homes, a couple have family's. They have jobs, they are not looked down on by others." But when I think about it, they tend to stick together. They didn't really have other friends.

bright blue eyes hover on mine. She was definitely not what I was expecting for the last

The electrical charge that surrounded her. I was one hundred percent certain that she was stronger than Serkan. I had never sensed

didn't drag her out further than a few metres before managed to catch hold of her. What I had heard about her, just

crossed up under her. A hand on her small bump, that is moving around in circles. She had a little

her grandfather. If anything, the cousin looked

hadn't said much more either and mostly just stared into space. Maybe talking to her Lycan. I couldn't be sure, it was impossible to tell with

"Well?" Dane snaps

"Well, three and a

Damien mutters from his spot

'healers'. They use herbs and other weird things to help kids and sometimes the adults, especially the pregnant ones that are suffering. Or

the other two?"

is also only a teen. Hence the half." I muse. "The other

again. The shock settling in as the reality of my words hit. A Wolf and a Witch. It happens, but

tell me that!" Dane straightens

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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