Chapter 6
Caden’s POV
Alessia drags her feet all through the walk into the woods. It’s as though she wasn’t the one that requested for this run. I’m doing her a favor yet she looks like she’s been sent to her doom.
I eye her as she bites her lips anxiously until they become bright red. Then I tear my gaze away just before my thoughts start entering a dangerous lane. Like thoughts of what color her lips will be after thoroughly getting a kiss from me.
I stop walking as I notice that we’ve gotten to a clearing in the woods. This is where I always come to whenever I needed to just shift and let loose. It was also where most of the pack members had their runs. It was the perfect spot.
Looking over at Alessia, I find her shifting on her feet and looking around the woods with a calculating look on her face.
She better not be thinking about what I think she is.
“I will snap your pretty little neck if you even think of running away,” I say, knocking any nonsense ideal out of her head before it takes root.
Her hand immediately reaches up to her neck and her eyes turn wide. “I-i w-wasn’t thinking of running away,” she stutters through her words.
It brings a smile to my face to see the fear visible on hers. That’s good. At least she won’t be thinking of getting one over me.
‘Why would you say such a thing to her? We aren’t going to be snapping her neck, Xavier growls.
‘Please, shut it, I growl back, annoyed at Xavier’s behavior for the past few days. If he isn’t wincing about Alessia then he’s begging to go to her. And if he isn’t doing that then he’s giving me a hard time about the way I treat her.

‘Why do you keep being a beast to her?!”
I myself didn’t know the answer to that question. It’s not like Alessia has done anything unusual to make me wary of her. In fact, in the week that I’ve been keeping my eyes on her, nothing that she did was out of place or raised suspicion in me. So, why couldn’t I just let my guard down-around her?
It might be the fact that I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she’s my second chance mate. It could also be the dread that settles in my chest every time I think about that.
Bringing myself back to the present, I look at Alessia to find her still standing in her clothes and her human form.
“Aren’t you going to get ready to shift?” I ask as I shrug off my shirt and place it on a tree branch. Next, I go for the button on my jeans. I’ll be able to defend myself better in wolf form in case she tries to do
Chapter 6
96% 11:20
Alessia is watching me with wide eyes and lips that part open in a gasp, showing just a hint of her pink.
My blood runs hot as I feel my jeans become tighter.
Ok, so maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I should have had either Alex or Raphael take her on this run. But the thought of her stripping down in close proximity to either one of them has my hands balling into fits.
“Strip,” I say dryly, not at all displaying any hint of the hell that I’m passing through at the moment.
She just stands there and stares blankly at me.
“If you aren’t going to go for a run then I suggest we just head back to the pack house,” I say, already
do than standing here all day long. I still reaching for my shirt to shrug it back on. I had better things to
had some documents that-
“I’ll strip,” she rushes out and starts walking away from me.
“Where do you think you’re going to?” I hate the confusion that I hear in my voice.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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