Chapter 7
Alessia’s POV
Caden doesn’t need to be in human form for me to make out the shocked expression on his face. It’s clear
as day.
Before he can shift back to human form and tell me that he has changed his mind about letting me go for a run. I take off into the woods.
I hear his heavy paws behind me and it just makes me go faster. I’m dead if he catches me.
I have no idea or sense of direction of where I’m heading. I just know that I have to get away from him. I’m pretty sure I’ll end up dead if I don’t.
My breath gets knocked out of me as a huge weight slams into me from behind. My two hundred pounds of flesh crumpled to the ground as the huge weight pinned me down. We roll around for a bit before coming to a halt in a patch of dirt and dried grasses.
I close my eyes from the impact, my back on the ground digs into sharp stones and gravels but I don’t
dare to make a sound.
Then I hear the sound of bones moving and cracking and then the weight on me reduces considerably…like he just shifted back.
My eyes flutter open to find Caden’s human form above me and-
Oh my G o d. He’s angry. No, he’s livid. I can tell from the way his veins seem to pop out of his neck.

“Shift back,” he whispers darkly. His eyes aren’t the normal green that I know them to be. They’re now dark, almost black in fact. His wolf is in control.
If I was in human form I would have gulped.
“Now!” His grip on my chest tightens. “Before I snap your neck.”
I wouldn’t put it past him to be able to snap my wolf’s neck like a tiny twig. I close my eyes, envisioning my human body and shifting back.
The weight on me became too prominent for me to ignore. I groan, shifting around on the ground and
oni effectively stabbing myself with a dozen stones.
“Would you f u c k i n g stop moving!” His words sound strained and tight, making me reopen my eyes.
At that moment, I take notice of the flesh pocking me in the stomach and also the state of our nakedness. My inside twists and blood rushes into my ears as I try to ignore the wetness forming between my thighs. No, I’m not even going to be touching that with a five-foot pole.
I go completely still, not moving an inch. I wait- for him to get off me or make the first move to start a talk,
Chapter 7
but he doesn’t do either. Instead, he stills as well and his nostrils flare.
“F u c k,” he breathes the word out and I probably wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t for werewolves heightened senses.
Then in the next second, Caden is off me and on his foot as though my body was made of hot lava.
95% 11:20
I shove down the stu pi d hurt that bubbles in my chest and stand up as well, brushing the leaves and sand that stay on my body.
“Get dressed. You’re done with your run,” he announces, walking over to the tree where his clothes were hung-
I wasn’t stu p i d enough to think that he would let me continue the run after the trick I pulled on him. It’s a miracle that he hasn’t taken a bite out of my head…yet.
I quickly pull on my clothes just in time for him to return to me.
He grips my arm and I know it was back on. He wasn’t going to wait for us to head back to the pack house, he was going to have the confrontation here. Right now.
“What is wrong with you?” He asks, his eyes looking at me expectantly.
Surprisingly, his question didn’t come out in the volume that I expected. He sounded like he genuinely wanted to know what my issue was. Somehow, that was worse.
My eyes fall to the ground, my head hanging in shame.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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