Chapter 8
Alessia’s POV
After crying for what could have been minutes or hours, I pull away from Caden. My cheeks tint pink as I notice the wet patches on the front of his t-shirt from what I hope were tears. I say a silent prayer that it isn’t anything other than tears.
“Let’s go back to the pack house,” he says, looking down at me with a worried expression on his face. The only other emotion apart from anger that he has directed my way.
“Ok,” I reply, twirling my fingers awkwardly, not knowing what to do with them now that they weren’t clutching onto his shirt.
We walk back to the pack house in a comfortable silence, not a word exchanged between us.
When we get to the front stop of the pack house, Caden stops me with a hand on my arm just before I can open the door.
I’ll come to your room tonight to talk this out. No more lies this time.” His piercing gaze holds mine determiningly.
He isn’t asking for my opinion, he’s telling me what’s going to be happening here.
I nod, giving him my silent agreement that wasn’t asked for. I’m not delusional enough to think that he will change his mind if I simply refuse. The question was, did I want to refuse?
“I’ll see you after dinner,” he tells me and opens the door to the noise of a packed house.
I’m still not used to living with people and I don’t think I ever will. It’s a completely different scenario from the life that I once had.
Caden walks ahead of me and disappears into the house, leaving the door open for me.
Pulling a deep breath into my lungs, I take the first step into the pack house and shut the door behind me. Now, all I had to do was keep my head down and make the escape to my room before anyone noticed my presence. Everybody was immersed in their own world and I pray none would notice me passing by.

Just as I take my first step, my plan gets bursted as a shadow appears in my path. From my line of view, I could see toes painted with hot pink nail polish and as I dragged my eyes up the body of the person who interrupted my escape, I was stunned into silence.
The person standing in front of me was pretty. Maybe even beautiful. Everything about her was in perfect condition, from her blond hair to her hot pink nails. She looks so put together. A complete opposite to what I currently was.
A smile is about to make its way when I mame out the expression on her face. It wasn’t exactly one that said she wanted to be friends with me.
Chapter 8

9% 11:21
With her nose upturn, she gazes down at me in disdain. Of course, she was taller than me.
I don’t even bother to hide my annoyance at that fact. I scoff and cross my arms over my chest. Blondie must not have liked that because the scowl on her face deepened into a deadly snarl.
“What were you doing with the Alpha?” She spits out.
“Caden?” I ask stup d l y. Who else would she be talking about if not Caden? The absurdity of this situation was messing with my head.
Her snarl darkens. “Caden? You call him Caden?” She enquires incredulously.
“Isn’t that his name?” I ask dumbly, not getting what her issue was.
“It is but not just anyone is allowed to call him by his name.” She places a hand on her hip and takes a long one over at me, eyeing my state of barefoot and ruffled borrowed clothes that were a size too big. Her nose wrinkled. “Definitely not someone of your status,” she injects.
The tiny envy that I harbor at her appearance immediately dies a quick death. Forget her beauty, this b i t c h was just sad to look at and frankly, I didn’t have the patience nor ment a l strength required to deal with her.
“Excuse me,” I murmur, sidestepping her to continue with my escape plan that was rudely interrupted.
“Hey!” She yells out but I ignore her even as I hear her hurried footsteps from behind me. “I’m not done talking to you.” Her words come first before she grips my arm.
I open my mouth, about to give her a piece of my mind when a voice interrupts us.
“Let her go, Julianna,” the voice drawls out dryly.
A red-haired lady appears from the door leading to what I suspect was the kitchen. Was everyone in this pack just naturally beautiful or was there something in the air they were breathing in?
Julianna- which I just learned was the Blondie’s name- rolls her eyes and peels her grip away from my
I barely stop my eyes from widening. I didn’t expect her to give in that easily.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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